Printed in chap. XIX, Maryland Laws, Nov. sess. 1808,
covering 5 pages.
No copy known. [655]
Maryland. Laws, statutes.
tA Further Supplement to the act, entitled. An act
for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors. Baltimore,
O. Keatinge? 1808]
Title taken from chap. CL, Maryland Laws, Nov. sess.
1807; passed Jan. 30, 1808. Chap. CL contains the pro-
visions referred to in the following advertisement by
George Keatinge in the Baltimore Evening Post Apr. 6,
1808: "In a few days, The new supplement to the Insol-
vent Law. In the last supplement it is rendered unnec-
essary to give two months notice to creditors of inten-
tion to petition, but a debtor may be protected from im-
prisonment by an immediate application to court or one
of the Judges."
No copy known. [656]
Maryland. Laws, statutes.
Laws of Maryland, made and passed at a Session of As-
sembly, begun and held at the City of Annapolis on Mon-
day the second of November, in the Year of Our Lord One
Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven. [short thick-thin
rule] Published by Authority. [short thin-thick rule]
[filet] Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, Printer
to the State. [1808]
[114] p. 26 cm. [a]1 [A]4 B-04.
Session from Nov. 3, l807, to Jan. 20. 1808.
MdBJ; MdBP; MdHi; Mi-L; Nb; Nv; RPL. [657]
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Minutes taken at the several Annual Conferences of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the United States of
America, for the year 1808. [thick-thin rule-, Balti-
more: Published by Ezekiel Cooper and J. Wilson, for the
Methodist Connection in the United States. [thick-thin
rulen Printed by Samuel Barnes. [row of dots] 1808.
56 p. 17 cm. [A]6 B-C6.
IBG; MWA. [658]
[The Militia Officer's Assistant, containing forms of
Orders, Notice, Returns, and other Proceedings. By an
Officer of the Third Brigade. Baltimore? 1808]