more Street. 1808.
497, [i.e. 495, xliv, vi, [1] p. 21.5 cm. [A]4
B-3M , 1-6H 7* (includes slg. V,W).
Parsons 332. Sabin 377^5.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Feb. 20, 1808,
as "for sale at the store of Messrs., Conrad, Lucas &
CtY; DLC (2 copies); ICN; ICU; IP; IU; InU; KyLoF;
MH; MH-L; MHi; MWA; Md; Md-LR; MdAA; MdAS; MdBE; MdBJ;
MdBLC; MdBP; MdBS; MdHi (2 copies); MdMwM; MdU-L; MdW;
PU-L; RPB; vi; WHi. [643]
Knox, Samuel.
A Discourse on the present state of Education in
Maryland: delivered before the Honorable the General As-
sembly, on Thursday the 31st. of December, 1807. By
Samuel Knox, A.M. Principal of Baltimore College. [2
lines, quotatlon] [thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Printed
by Warner & Hanna.—1808.
28 p. 20 cm. cA-,4 B-C4 D2.
Sabin 38174.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Feb. 5, 1808,
as "Just Published."
MBAt; MWA; MdBE; PHi. [644]
Lafitte, John.
[La Satyre Americaine, by Edward Je—m'en-Fiche, Esq.
Baltimore, G. Hill? 1808]
Price 50 cents.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, June 3, 1808,
as "On Monday next, the 6th inst. Will be Published;"
and on Sept. 7, 1808, in the Baltimore Federal Republi-
can, as "Received by last Mail No. 11, or La Satyre
Ame'ricaine, By Edward Je M'en Fiche, Esq. For Sale by
Geo. Hill."
In the Baltimore North American. Sept. 19, 1808, ap-
peared a long letter from H. L. C. assigning the author-
ship of this item to John Lafitte, Jun. "Last July, a
young Frenchman ... has been three or four times at Mr.
Butler's the printer; he proposed to him to print La Sa-
tyre Americaine, of which one of his intimate friends
was the author. Mr. Butler having refused to print a
libel against his fellow-citizens, the work has been
taken to another printer ... This same printer has bor-
rowed from Mr, Butler the accent e and still keeps it."