H. L. C. further observes: "... how mean those two per-
sons must be, who, for the wretched consideration of a
f ex. cents, have printed and sold a production so inju-
rious to their fellow-citizens."
No copy known. [645]
Lloyd, James.
Mr. Lloyd's Speech, in the Senate, Monday, Dec. 19.
on the Bill making further provisions for enforcing the
Embargo. [Baltimore? Office of the Federal Republican?
7 p, 22 cm. Without imprint.
Caption title.
Probably printed by Joseph Robinson.
Printed in full in the Baltimore Federal Republican,
Dec, 28, 1808, and advertised In the same paper Dec. 30,
1808, as "Just Published, And for Sale at the Office of
the Federal Republican, Price 12 1-2 cents each, the
Speech of Mr. Goodrich ... And, Mr. Lloyd's Speech ..."
CSmH; CtY; MH-BA; NNU-W. [646]
Martin, Ennalls.
A View of Fever: delivered In an Oration before the
Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Mary-
land, on the second day of June Eighteen Hundred and
Seven, and published at their desire. [filet] By En-
nails Martin, M.B. [5 lines, quotation] [short rule3
cl line, quotation] [filet] Baltimore: Printed by Fryer
and Rider. 1808.
24, [1] p. 20.5 cm. [AD4 A-B4 [C]2(-C2).
DSQ; MdBM; MdHi (sig. Cl (errata leaf) inverted).
Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates.
[Bills, resolutions and reports containing subjects
of a public nature. Annapolis, F. Green, 1808]
"Ordered, That the printer to the state be and he is
hereby directed to print one hundred copies of every
bill, resolution and report, containing subjects of a
public nature, which shall be read by the clerk during
the present session, also of all official papers, for
the use of the members. "—House V. & P., Nov. sesc.
1808, p. 6.
In the almost complete absence of copies of the
printing thus ordered, it seems best to include all