Advertised in the Baltimore American, Sept. 29, 1808,
as "Just Published."
CtSoP; DLC; NJPT. [640]
Irvine, Baptls, defendant.
The Case of Baptis Irvine, in a matter of Contempt of
Court. With an Appendix, by a Gentleman of the Bar.
[row of dots] Prom the Reporter's short-hand Notes,
[row of dots] [5 lines, quotations-] [thick-thin rule3
Baltimore: Printed for the Reporter, by S. Magill.
[short double rule] ...l808...
57, 48 p. 23 cm. [A]4 B-G4 [H]2(-H2); [A]4 B-F4.
Sabin 35112.
"An Essay on constructive Contempt of Court": 48 p.
at end.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Mar. 22, 1808,
as "This Morning ... Is published."
The reporter was George Bourne.
C; CSt; DLC; M; MB; MBAt; MBS; MH-L; MWA; MdBE; N;
PHi; PP. Garrett. [641]
Keatinge, Henry S.
Musical Preceptor; or a Key to Harmony. [filet] By
H, S. Keatinge. [filet] [cut: horn and harp on floral
background] [thick-thin rule] [2 lines, quotation]
[thin-thick rule] Baltimore: Printed by Henry S. Keat-
inge. 1808.
1 leaf, [5]-86 p. 15 cm. [A]2(-A2) [B]4 C-L4 M2
(M2 blank).
Rosenbach 369.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, May 10, 1808,
as "Just Published and for sale."
DLC; MdBE (photostat t.p.); MdBWA; MdHi; PP. [642]
Kilty, John.
The Land-holder's Assistant, and Land-office Guide;
being an Exposition of Original Titles, as derived from
the Proprietary Government, and more recently from the
State, of Maryland: designed to explain the manner in
which such Titles have been, and may be acquired and
completed. [21 lines, contents] With an Appendix, con-
taining the ancient Land Laws (so called) and some Acts
relative to the making Conveyances. [thick-thin rule3
By John Kilty, Register of the Land-office for the West-
ern-Shore of the State of Maryland. [thin-thick rule3
Baltimore; Printed by G. Dobbin and Murphy, 10, Balti-