printed."—-Minutes of Balt. Yearly Meeting, Oct. 10-13,
"To Cash paid John Hews [sic] for printing Epistles,
Extracts, &c."—Treasurer1s Accounts (Apr. 29, 1809),
Balt. Yearly Meeting.
MdBFr. [626]
[The General Resurrection, or A solemn call to heed-
less and deluded Sinners. Baltimore, G. Fryer? l808]
Advertised in the Baltimore American, May 17, 1808,
as "Just Published ... And may be had of the infirm old
men who sell Books, Toys, &c in the streets, and at the
... office of G. Fryer." "Printed ... on a broadside,
for the purpose of framing, or suspending against a
No copy known. [627]
Gibson, Jacob.
To the Public. In consequence of a handbill pub-
lished by John Murray, relative to a dispute between him
and me, it becomes necessary to require, for a short
time, the suspension of public opinion, until it shall
be proved, as well by publication of the correspondence
between us, as by further information from undoubted au-
thority that vlllany and cowardice are the predominant
traits in the character of a miscreant, too pitiful to
excite the contempt, much less the resentment of Jacob
Gibson. December 25th, 1808. [Annapolis? 1808]
Reprinted in Gibson's later reply, item 735. Issued
in response to Murray's handbill of December 23, at An-
napolis .
No copy known. [628]
Giles, William Branch.
Mr. Gile's Speech, delivered in Senate of the United
States, on Monday the 24th of November, 1808, on the
Resolution of Mr. Hlllhouse, to repeal the Embargo Laws.
[ornamental ruleD Baltimore: Printed by Niles & Frai-
ley. [short thick-thin rule] 1808.
28 p. 20.5 cm. [A]4 B-c4 D2.
Sabin 27376,
CSmH; MdBE; MiD-B; PPL; PPM; TxU. Garrett. [629]