Goodrich, Chaunoey, 1759-181$.
Speech of Mr. Goodrich, in the Senate, December 19th,
1808, on the third reading of the bill making further
provisions for enforcing the Embargo. (-Baltimore? Of-
fice of the Federal Republican? 1808]
7 p. 20.5 cm.
Caption title.
Sabin 27879.
Printed in full in the Baltimore Federal Republican.
Dec. 26, 1808, and advertised in the same paper, Dec.
30, 1808, as "Just Published, And for Sale at the Office
of the Federal Republican, Price 12 1-2 cents each, the
Speech of Mr. Goodrich ..."
Imprints supplied on basis of similarity of layout
and typography to that of Bickering's speech of Dec. 21,
1808 (item 782).
Probably printed by Joseph Robinson.
An-C-T; DLC. [630]
Gother, John.
A Papist misrepresented, and represented; or, a Two-
fold Character of Popery. The first containing a Sum of
the Superstitions, Idolatries, Cruelties, Treacheries,
and wicked Principles laid to their Charge: the other
laying open that Religion, which those, termed Papists,
own and profess: the chief Articles of their Faith, and
the principal Grounds and Reasons which attach them to
it. [short thick-thin rule] By the Rev. John Gother.
tshort thin-thick rule] First American Edition, from
the Nineteenth London Edition; Revised and Published by
a Catholic Clergyman of Baltimore. [thick-thin rule3
Baltimore; Printed for the Publisher, by J. W. Butler.
[filet] 1808.
94, [1] p. 17 cm. A-H6.
Parsons 321.
Advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, May 7,
1808, as "Just Printed and Published This Day."
CtY; DGU; GDecCT; MBBC; MBrtgStJ; MWA; MdBS; MdW (2
copies); NNUT; NcBe; PPM; RWoU. [631]
Gough, John.
A System of Practical Arithmetick, in four Books,
agreeably to Telfair's Edition of Gough's Arithmetick:
to which is added A great variety of Rules adapted to
the Commerce of the United States with the various na-