nis. No. 42. [short thick-thin rule] [2 lines, quota-
tion] [short thin-thick rule] Epoque de la St. Jean
Baptiste 24e Jour du Mois M.. Lan dela V..L 5808. Le
24e Juin 1808. [thick-thin rule-, De 1'imprinerie de G.
Dobbin & Murphy, Baltimore Street, No. 10, A Baltimore.
[row of dots] 1808.
14 p. 17 cm.
On cover: Loge de la verite du Cap Francals, 42.
Masonic symbols on cover.
PHi. [623]
Freemasons. Maryland. Grand Lodge.
Extracts of Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Free
and Accepted Masons of the State of Maryland, At a year-
ly Grand Communication, begun and held in the City of
Baltimore, on the 2d day of May, A.L. 5808——A.D. 1808.
[Baltimore, l808]
8 p. 25 cm. Without imprint.
Caption title.
"Extracts of Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Mary-
land. At a half yearly Grand Communication, began [sic]
and held in the City of Baltimore, on the 2d day of No-
vember, A.L. 5808.——A.D. 1808.": p. [5]-8.
CSmH; MdBFM. [624]
Friends, Society of. Baltimore Yearly Meeting.
[Extracts from the Minutes of the Yearly Meeting held
from the 10th of the Tenth Month to the 13th of the
same, inclusive, 1808. Baltimore, J. Hewes, 1808?]
"To Cash paid John Hews [sic] for printing Epistles,
Extracts, &c."—Treasurer's Accounts (Apr. 29, 1809),
Balt. Yearly Meeting.
No copy known. [625]
Friends, Society of. London Yearly Meeting.
The Epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held In London,
By Adjournments, from the l8th to the 27th of the Fifth
Month, 1808, inclusive. To the Quarterly and Monthly
Meetings of Friends, in Great-Britain, Ireland, and
elsewhere, [imprint on outside fold] [filet] John
Hewes, Printer, Opposite the Post-Office—Baltimore.
4 p. 32.5 x 20 cm. fold, to 20 x 8.5 cm.
It was "concluded to have three thousand copies