more: Printed for J. Kingston, Book-Seller, 164, Market-
st. Price 25 Cents. [short thick-thin rule] S. Ma-
gill, printer....1808.
viii, 40 p. l6.5 cm. [a]l A-D6(-D6).
MdHi. [6l9]
Federal Gazette.
[elaborate frame of printing ornaments, surmounted by
cut of plaque supported on pedestal by cherubs and god-
dess] Address of the Carriers of the Federal Gazette
and Baltimore Daily Advertiser, to their Patrons. [95
lines of verse in 2 columns separated by vertical row of
printing ornaments] January 1, 1809.] [sic] The Carri-
ers. [Baltimore, 1808]
broadside 34 x 20.5 cm. Without imprint.
For other reproductions of the out at the top see
items 257, 528.
MdBP (bound at beginning of 1809 volume of the Feder-
al Gazette). [620]
Fletcher, Mary.
An account of the Death of Sarah Lawrance, who died
at the Vicarage in Madeley, Shropshire, December 3d.
1800; aged forty-four years. [short thick-thin rule]
By Mary Fletcher. [short thin-thick rule] [5 lines,
quotation] [thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Printed by John
W. Butler, for John Hagerty and John Kingston. [short
thick-thin rule] 1808.
12 p. 17.5 cm. A6.
MWA. [621]
Franklin, Benjamin.
The Way to Wealth. By Dr. Franklin. [row of dots3
C10 lines, quotation] [ thick-thin rule] Baltimore:
Printed by J. W. Butler. 1808.
96 p. 8 cm. A-F8.
MdBE. [622]
Freemasons. Baltimore. Loge francaise Veritas Sancti
Johannis, No. 42.
Tableau des P.. F... qui composent la R... L... de
St. J... de J... connue sour [sic] le nom de la verite
du Cap Francais, seante accidentellement a Baltimore
sous l'authorisation de la T... R... grande loge du Mary-
land. Sous le titre distinctif de Veritas Sancti Johan-
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