Signatures: 6 p.1, [A]6 B6 , C3.
Evans 31769.
Baltimore. New theatre.
New theatre / [rule] / For four weeks only. /
This evening, Wednesday, May 17, 1797. / Will be
presented a comedy, (in four acts) called / The
child of nature. / (Prom the French of Mad. Genlis
by the author of Every one has his fault.) / [11
lines: the cast] / End of the comedy, a new
pantomime ballet dance, (composed by Mr. Byrne)
called / Dermot and Kathleen. / (Taken from the
favourite opera, of The poor soldier, and per-
formed with universal applause upwards / 200
nights at Covent Garden theatre.) / [6 lines:
the cast] / To which will be added, a comic opera ,
(never performed here) called / The adopted child./
(As performed during the two last winters in Lon-
don, with the most unbounded applause) / C10 lines:
the cast] / Box, one dollar twenty-five cents, pit,
seven eighth's of a dollar. / [8 lines of text] /
Vivat respublica! / [rule] //
[Baltimore: Printed by Clayland, Dobbin & co? 1797-
broadside. 30 x 20 1/2 cm.
Only copy examined is mutilated; probably im-
print has been removed.
Not in Evans .
Baltimore. New theatre.
New theatre. / [rule] / For four weeks only./
This evening, Thursday, May 18, 1797. / Will be
presented a tragedy, (never performed here)
called / Venice preserv'd; / or, A plot discov-
ered. / [11 lines: the cast] / To which will be
added, a farce, in ono act, (never performed here)
called / Seeing is believing. / [7 lines: the
cast] / End of the farce, a new pantomime ballet
dance, for the 2d. time, (composed by Mr. / Byrne)
called / Dermot and Kathleen, / (Taken from the
favourite opera, of The poor soldier, and per-
formed with universal applause upwards / 200 nights
at Covent Garden theatre.) / [6 lines: the casts/
Box, one dollar twenty-five cents, pit, seven
eighth's of a dollar. / [8 lines of text] / Vivat
respublica! / [rule] /