Baltimore. Charters .
Act of incorporation / of the / city of Balti-
more. / [first column begins] An act to erect
Baltimore town, in / Baltimore county, into a city,
and to / incorporate the inhabitants thereof. /
[110 additional lines of type in first column; 3
additional columns]
Baltimore: Printed by D, Pinchet Preebairn, No. 1,
Light-street — January 16, 1797. //
broadside, 4-8 1/2 x 32 cm.
Net in Evans .
MdHi, NN.
Baltimore. Charters .
An / Act / to erect / Baltimore-town, / in /
Baltimore-county, / into a / city, / and to incor-
porate the / inhabitants thereof. / [double rule] /
Baltimore: / Printed by John Hayes . / March 13.
1797. //
8°. 20 cm.
Pages: [1-3], 4-15, [16] .
No signatures.
Evans 31767.
MdHi, NN.
Baltimore. Library company.
A / Catalogue / of the / bocks, &c. / belong-
ing to the / Library company / of / Baltimore; /
to which are prefixed, / the bye-laws of the com-
pany, / and /an alphabetical list / of the /
members. / [rule] / "Happy are they, whose amusement
is knowledge, / and whose supremo delight, the
cultivation of the mind! / Wherever they shall be
driven by the persecution of for- / tune, the means
of enjoyment are still with them; and / that weary
listlessness, which renders life insupportable to /
the voluptuous and the lazy, is unknown to these,
who / can employ themselves in reading." - /
Telemaehus, Bock II. / [rule] /
Baltimore: / Printed by John Hayes, in Public-alley./
[rule] / 1797, //
12°. 19 cm.
Pages: [i-iii] iv-xiii, [1], 2-30.