12°. 16 cm.
Pages [l-3], 4-23.
Signatures: [A]4, B2, C4 D2.
Evans 31527, Sabin 101551.
CSmH, MB, N, British museum.
Washington, George, pres. U.S., 1732-1799.
Address / of / George Washington, / President
of the United States, / and late commander in chief
of the American / army, / to the / people of the
United States, / preparatory to his / declina-
tion / [rule] /
Baltimore: / Printed by Christopher Jackson, / for
George and Henry S. Keatinge, booksellers, /
Market-street. / [rule] / 1796. //
12°. 16 cm.
Pages: [1-10], 11-36.
Signatures: [A]6, B6-C6.
Not in Evans.
Washington, George, pres. U.S., 1732-1799.
The President's address to the people of the
United States, announcing his intention of retir-
ing from public life at the expiration of the
present Constitutional term of Presidency.
Elizabeth (Hager's) Town: Printed at the office
of the Washington spy. 1796.
Announced editorially in the Washington spy of
September 28, 1796, which stated that it would be
published "in a small pamphlet." Advertised in
the issue of October 12 as "Just published, in a
handsome octavo pamphlet." -cf. Washington,
George. Farewell address in facsim ... ed. by
V. paltsits, p. 312.
Not in Ivans, Sabin 101562.
No copy located.
The Washington spy, no. 284. / [rule] / Thursday,
January 6, 1796, [ -no. 334, Wednesday, December 28,
1796] .....
[colophon:] Elizabeth- (Hager's) Town, / Printed
by Phebe Herbert & John B. Gary. // [1796]