folio. 38 1/2 cm, 1 folded sheet, 3 columns
tc a page, in each issue.
Issued weekly.
On April 21, 1796, imprint changed to: Elizabeth
(Hager's) Town,,/ Printed by Phebe Herbert. //
On June 15 (1 issue) Elizabeth- town; / Printed
by Phebe Herbert.//
On June 22, Elizabeth (Hager's) Town, (Maryland)
Printed by Phebe Herbert, at her printing office,
in the main street loading / to the western
country, where subscriptions, advertisements,
essays, articles of intelligence, &c. are thank-
fully received, and printing / in general executed
with neatness and dispatch. //
On July 27, Elizabeth (Hager's) Town, (Maryland)
Printed at the office of the Washington spy, in
the main street leading to the / western country,
where subscriptions, advertisements, essays,
articles cf intelligence, &c. are thankfully re-
ceived, and printing in / general executed with
neatness anc" dispatch. //
Evans 31559.
MdHi. For other copies sec Brigham.
[double rule] / ... Dic / Westliche correspondenz, /
und / Hagerstauner wochenschrift . / Num. 31.
Mitwochs, den 6. janaur, 1796 [?] [-Num. 81.
Kitwochs, den. 23. dezember, 1796?]
Diese zeitung wird alle nitwoch mergens heraus-
gegeben ven Johann Gruber, in den deutsch- und
englischen buchdruckerey zu / Hagerstaun, fur
einon thaler des jahres: ein halber thaler wird
beym einschreiben bezahlet. // [1796]
folio. 41 cm. 1 folded sheet, 4 columns to the
page, in each number.
Issued weekly.
Only issue located is no, 68, September 28.
Not in Evans, Seidensticker p. 144.
Wilmer, James Jcnes, b. 1749.
An / Address / to the / citizens of the
United States, / on / national representation; /
with a / sketch of the origin of government, /
and / the state of public affairs. / [ ornamental
rule] / By James Jones Wilmer. / [ ornamental rule]/
Baltimore: / Printed by William Pechin, No. 15,