U. S. Laws, statutes, etc.
An extract of the act, entitled "An act for
the re- / lief and protection of American seamen;"
passed in / the Fourth Congress of the United
States, at the first / session, begun and held at
the city of Philadelphia, / on Monday the seventh
of December, one thousand / seven hundred and
ninety-five. / Section 5 ... / [21 lines of
text} / Sect. 6 ... / [14 lines of text] /
[signed] Jonathan Dayton, speaker of the / House
of representatives. / Samuel Livermore, president
of / the Senate, pro tempore. / Approved, - May
the twenty- / eighth, 1796. / Go: Washington,
President of the / United States. / [double rule]/
Baltimore: Printed by John Hayes, in Public-
alley. // [1796]
broadside: 31 1/2 x 21 1/2 cm.
Evans 31340.
Der Verbesserte hoch deutsche americanische land
und staats calender. Auf das jahr ... 1797. Der
dreizohnton mal herausgegoben.
Friedrich Stadt, Maryland: Gcdruckt bey Matthias
Bartgis . [1796]
Advertised in Bartgis's Federal gazette of
December 22, 1796, "Es sind so eben herausgekommen
und zu verkaufen bey M. Bartgis, in seiner
druckerey in der Market-strassc . Englische und
deutsche calender, auf das jahr 1797. Welche
nobst andern nutzlichen sachen auch die addresse
des Presidenten an das volk der Vereinigtcn
Staaten enthalton."
Evans 31485, Seidenstickcr p. 143.
No copy located.
Washington, George, pres. U.S., 1732-1799,
Address / cf / George Washington, / Presi-
dent of the United States, and late com- / mander
in chief of the American army, / to the / people
of the United States, / preparatory to his /
declination. / [double rule] /
Printed [by Clayland and Dobbin?] for / George
Keatinge's / wholesale and retail book-store, /
Baltimore. / [rule] / 1796. //