The / Maryland / pocket magazine; / or, / elegant
repository / of / useful knowledge and entertain-
ment. / No. I. January, 1796. [-No. II. February,
1796] ...
Baltimore: / Printed by Christopher Jackson, for /
George Keatinge's / wholesale and retail book
store, / No. 149 Market-street. // [1796]
240. 15 1/2 cm.
2 numbers, the first apparently having 42 pages,
the second having 36.
Pages, second number: [43], 44-54, 67-90,
Signatures, second number: P6-H6.
The Maryland pocket magazine may have had more
issues; one article is "To be continued."
Evans 30754.
MH (no, 2 only).
[Melsheimer, Friodrich Valentine] 1749-1814.
Brief / eines priestors / der / romischen
kirche, / und / die darauf orthcilte antwort, /
von / einen prcdiger / der protcstantischon
kirche / in York-caunty. / [vignette] / [orna-
mental rule ] /
Baltimore: / Godruckt bev Samuel Saur. / 1796. //
sra. 8°, 17 1/2 cm.
Pages: 2 p.l., p. cla, 2-44.
Signatures: [A]4, E4-p4.
"Reprinted in Kanover, Pennsylvania, in 1797,"
- Evans .
Evans 30783.
Methodist Episcopal church.
Minutes / of the / general conference / of
the / Methodist Episcopal church, / begun at
Baltimore, on the 20th of / October, 1796. / At
which Thomas Coke and Francis / Asbury presided,
[rule] /
Baltimore: / Printed by Philip Edwards, No. 1. /
Light-street, [rule] / 1796. //
am. 8O. 17 cm,
Pages: [1-3], 4-6, [7], 8-31.
Signatures: [A]8 B8.
Evans 30788.
MdBD, NN, OBerB.