Military amusement; a collection of twenty-four of
the most favorite marches, for one and two flutes
violins, fifes, or hautboys.
Printed by I. Carr, Music store, No. 6, Gay street
Baltimore, and B. Carr's Musical repositories
Market street, Philadelphia and William street,
Bew York. 1796.
Evans 30795.
No copy located.
Mullalla, James.
An / Essay / on the / origin of Masonry. /
And now abideth faith, hope, and charity, these /
three; but the greatest of these is charity. /
I. Cor. xiii, 13. / [rule] / By James Mullalla,
L.L.B. / [rule]/ First American edition. / [rule]
Baltimore: / Printed by Christopher Jackson, for
George / Keatinge's wholesale and retail book-
store. / 1796. //
160. 15 1/2 cm.
Pages: [l-5], 6-15.
No signatures .
Not in Evans .
Netly abbey, a Gothic story.
Baltimore: 1796.
Title from advertisement in the Maryland Journal
& Baltimore daily advertiser of August 23, 1796,
which states: "New novels. This day is published
and for sale, at George Keatinge's wholesale and
retail book-store, 149 Market-street, the follow-
ing now books printed in Baltimore... Netly abbey,
a Gothic story, price 5s. 9d. sewed."
Not in Evans.
No copy located.
Der / Neue hoch deutsche / amcricanische / cal-
ender, / auf das jahr Christi / 1797, / welches
ein gemein jahr von 365 tagcn ist. / Darin en-
thai ton / die wochen-monats-und merkwurdigc tage,
des mondcm / auf-und untergang; seine zeichen,
grade, und vertoil; die aspocten / der planoten, /
samt dor witterung; des sicbongestirns auf gang,