(the music by Signior Storace.) / [8 lines:
the cast]/ ***Box, one dollar - pit three fourths
of a dollar. / [9 lines of type] / No tickets to
be returned, nor any person admitted behind the
scenes on any account / whatever. //
[Baltimore: Printed by Clayland, Dobbin and co.?
Broadside. 31 x 18 1/2 cm.
Not in Evans.
Baltimore county, Md. Tax commissioners.
Notic [!] is hereby given, / That the commis-
sioners of / the tax, for Baltimore county, / will
meet at the Court house, on Mon- / day the 6th of
Juno next, and continue / to sit three days, for
the purpose of hoar- / ing appeals, and making
transfers, from / persons residing in said county
and pre- / cincts. / [signed] By order, / Samuel
Vincent, clk. / May 22, 1796. //
[Baltimore, Printed by Philip Edwards? 1796]
broadside. 19 1/2 x 21 cm.
Not in Evans ,
MdHi .
The Baltimore telegraphe, / Rouble rule]/.../
Num. 242. Friday, January 1, 1796 [-Num. 554.
Saturday, December 31, 1796?]
Published (daily) by Clayland, Dobbin & eo. at
the new printing-office, No. 36, Market-street,
opposite the Vendue store. // [1796]
folio. 50 cm. 1 folded sheet, 5 columns to
the page, in each number.
Issued daily except Sunday.
Continued by the City gazette & daily telegraphe.
Evans 30018.
PPL. For other copies see Brigham.
Banneker, Benjamin, 1731-1806.
Bannaker's / Maryland and Virginia / almanack,/
and / ephemoris, / for the year of Our Lord /
1797| / being first after bissextile, or leap-
year; / the twenty-first year of /American inde-
pendence, / and ninth vear of the / federal govern-
ment, / [rule] /