Baltimore . Benevolent society.
Rules and orders / to be observed / by the
Baltimore / Benevolent society, / established /
In order to raise a fund / for the / mutual relief
of the members / thereof, in case of sickness /or
infermity; / and / for any other charitable pur-
poses, to /which, the members of said society /
may hereafter agree. / [rule] /
Baltimore: / Printed by Samuel Sower, M,DCC,XCVI,/
[rule] //
8°. 20 1/2 cm.
Pages: [1-3] 4-15.
No signatures.
Evans 30016.
InND (original and photostat).
Baltimore. New theatre.
New theatre. / [rule] / On Wednesday evening,
October, 12, 1796, / will be presented, / a tragedy,
(not performed this season) called / Othello; / or,
The Moor of Venice. / [12 lines: the cast] / To
which will be added, a musical drama, in one act,
called / The purse; / or, Benevolent tar. / The
music composed by Mr. Reeve, / the accompaniments
and new airs by Mr. Reinagle. / [6 lines: the
cast] / *** Box, one dollar - pit three fourths of
a dollar. / [9 lines of type] / No tickets to be
returned, nor any person admitted behind the scenes
on any account / whatever. //
[Baltimore: Printed by Clayland, Dobbin & co.?
broadside. 31 x 19 1/2 cm.
Hot in Evans.
Baltimore. Hew theatre.
New theatre. / [rule] / On Monday evening,
October, 24, 1796, / will be presented, / a cele-
brated new comedy (never performed here) called /
Love's frailties. / Written by Thomas Holcroft.
author of the "Road to ruin, Deserted daughter"
&c. / [12 lines: the cast] / To which will be
added a comic opera, (for the first time this
season) called, / The prize; / or, 2, 5, 3, 8, /