Baltimore: / Printed by Christopher Jackson, / for
George Keatinge's / wholesale and retail book
store, / No. 140, Market-street. // [1796]
18°. 1 illus, 16 1/2 cm,
Page s: [36]
No signatures.
Title-page surrounded by double rule.
Not in Evans.
MdHi .
Banneker, Benjamin, 1731-1806.
Bannaker's / Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware,/
Maryland and Kentucky / almanack, / and / ephemeris,
for the year of Our Lord / 1797; / being first
after bissextile, or leap- / year; / the twenty-
first year of / American independence, / and ninth
year of the / federal government. / [rule] /
Baltimore: /Printed by Christopher Jackson, No. 67,
Market- / street, for George Keatinge's book-store,
<Copyright secured. > // [1796]
18°. 16 cm.
Pages: [36]
No signatures.
Title enclosed by double rule.
Evans 30019.
[triple rule] /.../ Bartgis's / Federal gazette, /
or The / Frederick-Town and country, / weekly ad-
vertiser. / [rule] / Vol. IV. No. 191. Thursday,
January 7, 1796 [-Vol. V. No. 242. Thursday, Dec-
ember 29, 1796]...
[colophon:] Frederick-Town, Printed by M. / Part-
gis, Market-street. // [1796]
folio. 40 cm. 1 folded sheet, 4 columns to a
page, in each number.
Issued weekly.
Evans 30033.
MdHi . For other copies see Brigham.
Bible. O.T, Psalms. German.
Der / Psalter / des / konigs und propheten
Davids, / verdeutscbet von / d. Martin Luther, / ,
mit kurzen sussmarien oder inhalt / jades Psalmen. /
Und mit vielen / parallelen oder gleichen schrift-