Edwards's Baltimore daily advertiser. [rule] / A
political, and commercial paper open to all partis
but influenced by none. / [rule] / Vol. II Ho. 394
Monday (evening) October 21, 1793. [-No. 451.
Tuesday, December 31, 1793]
Baltimore: Printed by Philip Edwards, in Market-
street, between South and Gay-streets. // [1793]
folio. 44-49 cm. 1 folded sheet, 4 columns to
the page, in each issue.
In continuation of the Baltimore evening Dost.
Evans 25435.
MdHi. For other copies see Brigham.
<Number III.> / [rule] / The Free universal maga-
zine. / [ornamental rule] / for October, November
and December, 1793. / [ornamental rule] / <To be
continued quarterly.> / [rule] / Vol. I. / [rule]/
For thus hath the Lord said unto me; go, set a
Watchman, let / him declare what he seeth. / The
burden of Dumah, he calleth to me out of Selr,
Watchman, / what of the night? Watchman, what of
the night? The watch- / man said, the morning
cometh; and also the night; if ye will / enquire,
enquire ye; return, come. / [rule] /
Baltimore? / Printed by Philip Edwards. / For the
Rev. Abel Sarjent. / [rule] / M,DCC,XCIII. //
8°. 19 cm.
Pages: [l - 3]. 4-8, 105-145, [146], [l], 2-5.
Signatures: [A]4 , B4-G4.
Contains a five page list of Names of the
trustees and subscribers,
numbers 1 and 2 published in New York (see Evans
25505 and 25506).
Evans 25507.