[double rule] / ... The / Chestertown gazette. /
[double rule] / Open to all parties, but influenc-
ed by none. / [rule] / ... Vol. I. No. 38.
Friday, July 26, 1793 [-No. 83. Tuesday, Decem-
ber 31, 1793
[colophon:] Chestertown: Printed by Robert
Saunders, junior, at his printing-office, in
High-street, where subscrip- / tions, advertise-
ments, essays, articles of intelligence, &c. are
thankfully received. / ** Town subscribers will
be served early on the morning of publication,
and those in the country as they may direct. //
folio. 37 cm. 1 folded sheet, three columns
to a page, in each number.
Issued semi weekly.
Continues the Apollo: or, Chestertown spy.
No further issues of the Chestertown gazette are
Evans 25292.
MdHi. For other copies see Brigham,
Davis, Ignatius.
Ten dollars / reward. / Ran away, on the
23d inst. a handsome / active mulatto slave,
named Arch, about 21 years of age, /is slender
built and of middle stature, talks sensible and
artful, / but if closly [!] examined is apt to
tremble, has a ridge or scar on / the back of
his neck, about an inch long; had on, when he
went away, an old / country linen shirt and good
oznabrigs trowsers, an old grey kersey coat,
wornout at / the elbows - had no hat, shoes, or
other cloaths whatever, but he probably will /
steal others, he is a fast reaper and no doubt
will procure a sickle and endeavour /to pass as
a freeman. I will give the obove [J] reward if
the said fellow be taken / twenty miles or any
further distance from home, or half a dollar per
mile, for / any distance under, in case he be
secured in any gaol so that I get him again, and
if / brought home to me, living in Maryland,
near Frederick-town, all reasonable / charges. /
[signed] Ignatious [!] Davis. / June 24, 1793. /
[double rule] /
Frederick-town: Printed by Matthias Bartgis, at
his English / and German printing-office. //