Baltimore Bote, which George C. Keidel discovered in
1917, and which he summarized in his The Earliest Ger-
man Newspapers of Baltimore, undoubtedly is the news-
paper referred to as having been commenced. Its date
is May 4, 1796, and it is number 59; therefore, as
James Owen Knauss, Junior, stated, "the first number
probably appeared on Wednesday, March 25, 1795."95
that date agrees with the advertisement of March 27,
quoted above, stating that Sower had commenced the pub-
lication of a German weekly paper.
The Baltimore Bote was a weekly at its beginning
and at the time that number 59 was issued on May 4,
1796. Between that date and the latter part of 1799,
It changed to a greater frequency. Subscribers appar-
ently could take their choice between a triweekly
paper on half shoots or a semi-weekly printed in the
regular way, as indicated in this statement:
Der herausgeber dieses calenders bedienet sich
gleichfalls dieser gelegenheit, dem geehrten
publikum kund zu thus, dass er wieder seith
geraumer zeit eine deutsche zeitung heraus-
giebt, und zwar dreymal die woche auf einen [sic]
grosser halben bogen, fur zwey und einen halben
thaler des jahrs, oder zwolf schilling und
sechs pons fur zwey zeitungen wochentlich; da
aber das postgeld fur einen ganzen bogen, und
desfalls seinen ehemallgen kunden in der entfer-
95 Knauss, J.A. Social conditions among the Pennsyl-
vania Germans in the eighteenth century, as re-
vealed in the German newspapers published in
America. Lancaster, Pa,, 1922. Quoted in Keidel,
G.C. The earliest German newspapers of Baltimore-
p. 10.