topher Sower II, handed down to him by the founder of
the family, descended in time to Christopher III and
his brother Peter.92 Samuel, who was born on March 20,
1767,93 became a carpenter, or cabinet maker, and
settled at Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, where he fol-
lowed his trade - and in addition became an apothecary
and printer. A list of twelve books or pamphlets
issued from his Chestnut Hill press from 1791 through
1794 may be found in a synopsis of Oswald Seidensticker's
address to the Society for the History of the Germans
in Maryland, printed in the Report of the society for
1888/89. In 1794 he removed his press to Philadel-
phia,94 but did not remain there many months, for on
March 27, 1795, he issued this advertisement in the
Federal Intelligencer of Baltimore:
Samuel Sower, printer, lately from Philadel-
phia, respectfully informs the public, that
he has established a German and English
printing office, at the south-west corner
of Howard and Fayette Streets, Baltimore, and
that he has commenced the publication of a
German weekly paper at 10s. per annum: those
gentlemen who may please to favour him with
advertisements, it is presumed, will receive
an ample benefit from a general advertiser.
Handbills, &c. in German and English, will
be executed with punctuality and dispatch,
at the above-mentioned office.
The only known issue of Der Neue Unpartheyische
92 McCulloch. op. cit. p. 157.
93 Sower, C.G. op. cit.
94 Seidensticker, Oswald. Synopsis of Prof.
Seidensticker's address., p. 14.