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The Maryland Press, 1777-1790 by Joseph Towne Wheeler.
Volume 438, Page 99   View pdf image (33K)
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A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
Sm. folio broadside. Printed in two columns.
Leaf measures: 93 1/6 X 7 5/8 inches.
An attack by a friend of Lemmon, who claimed that he was not connected with the writing of it, on Luther Martin and
particularly on some of the statements made in the Queries (q.v. number 82). Ryan states that "Doctor Robert Lemmon,
was educated in the most respectable seminary of learning in the city of Dublin ..." Martin, he says, was born of a low
family and was educated in the Jersies and ran away because of debts he owed there. He kept a school on the Eastern Shore
until he was forced to leave the district by the parents of one of his students. The broadside reflects the bitterness with which
the quarrel was being carried on.
Evans, 16513.
84. SCRIBLERUS, JUNIOR, Pseud. To The August And Venerable | Robert Lemmon, | Captain, Par-
son, Doctor, And Esquire, &c. &c. &c. | The Following Poem Is Humbly Dedicated, By Scriblerus,
Junior. | ... [rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. | [1779.]
Sm. folio. Printed on both sides in two columns.
Leaf measures: 11 1/4 x 7 7/8 inches.
On the verso appears: Queries, addressed to Robert Lemmon, Esq; ] ... [signed] A Friend To Justice. ] October 22,
1779. The Queries are a series of questions which are designed to clear Martin from any implication of being a Tory as
Lemmon had represented him in an earlier publication. The poem is a crude lampoon on Lemmon.
Evans, 16331.
85. [WHARTON, CHARLES HENRY. A Poetical Epistle To His Excellency George Washington, Esq.,
Commander In Chief Of The Armies Of The United States Of America, From An Inhabitant of the
State of Maryland. To Which Is Annexed, A Short Sketch Of General Washington's Life and Char-
acter. Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1779.]
Collation unknown.
No copy of the Annapolis edition of this poem has been located but the fact that the first edition was printed in Maryland
is shown by the colophon of the London edition "Annapolis Printed 1779: I London Reprinted for C. Dilly, in the Poultry;
J. Almon, Picadilly; | W. Tesseyman, York; T. and J. Merrill, Cambridge; [ R. Cruttwell, Bath; and T. Becket, Bristol. |
M DCC LXXX. [Price Half A Crown.]"
The author of the poem was Rev. Charles Henry Wharton, born in St. Mary's county on June s, 1748, and educated in
a Jesuit College at St. Omers. He became Chaplain to the Roman Catholics at Worcester in England sometime before 1777
and probably wrote the poem while in residence there. He withdrew from the Catholic Church about 1782 and returned to
America where he became a leader in the newly organized Protestant Episcopal Church. In 1784 he published in Philadelphia
A Letter to the Roman Catholics of the City of Worcester from the late Chaplain of that Society. Stating the Motives which induced
him to relinquish their Communion, and become a member of the Protestant Church. (Evans, 18883). He became rector of Im-
manual Church at Newcastle, Delaware and in 1798 was appointed rector of St. Mary's Church at Burlington, N. J. He
was the second president of Columbia College in New York for a short time in 1801 but soon resigned in order to return to
his church. He was the author of a number of important theological pamphlets primarily concerned with the controversy
between the Protestant Episcopal and the Catholic Church. He died July 23,1833, at his home in Burlington, N. J.
Evans, 16677. Tyler, Literary History of the American Revolution, Vol. II, pp. 165-169.
No copy located.
86. WHITE, JOSEPH. Interesting Intelligence. | By Mr. Joseph White, of this Town, just arrived | here
from Hampton, we have received the follow- | ing particulars of the horrid progress of the enemy, |
in Virginia, which we think it our duty, immedi- | ately, to lay before the Public, painful as they
are | to relate, and degrading as such outrages are to | Humankind. | Williamsburg, May 15.] ...
Baltimore, May 20. | ....Baltimore: Printed by M. K:Goddard. | [Price fifteen pence to defray the
expence of | paper only.] [1779.]
Narrow folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 14 x 5 1/2
Evans, 16312.

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The Maryland Press, 1777-1790 by Joseph Towne Wheeler.
Volume 438, Page 99   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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