A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
87. [DILWORTH, THOMAS. A New Guide to the English Tongue: in Five Parts..... Baltimore:
Printed and sold by M. K. Goddard, at the Post-Office. 1780.]
Collation unknown.
Evans lists this edition of Thomas Dilworth's popular grammar and spelling book and attributes it to Baltimore. It is
possible that the advertisement in the Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser of February 8, 1780, refers to this item.
Its content is: "Just Published, and to be sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Printer hereof, a New, Cheap, and Compre-
hensive Spelling-Book."
Evans, 16763.
No copy located.
88. HATTERFLY, JOSIAH. A Robbery! | Eight Hundred Dollars Reward, | Baltimore, April 3, 1780.
| Stolen, last night, out of a ware-house upon Mr. Hutching's (late | Hudson's) wharf, a small pine
Chest ... [signed] Josiah Hatterfly. | [double rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard, at the
Post-Office; ... [1780.]
4to. broadside.
Leaf measures: 10 z 7 3/4 inches.
Included in the chest were 19,300 dollars in loan office certificates, Aesop's Fables, A Treatise on Book-Keeping, A
complete French Dictionary, Six of Tom Thumb's Play Books for children, and One Pocket Almanac with the picture of
bis excellency General Washington in front
Evans, 16796.
89. MARE, J. Baltimore, May 20, 1780. | Extract of a Letter from the 1 Postmaster at Edenton,
in | North-Carolina, to the Prin- | ter hereof, (received by this | Day's Southern Mail) dated | the
10th of May Instant. | ... [signed] J. Mare. | [rule] | [Baltimore:] Printed by M. K. Goddard, at the
| Post-Office. [1780.]
Sm. narrow folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 91/4 x 3 1/4 inches.
Evans, 16703.
90. MARYLAND. An | Act | Of The | General Assembly | Of | Maryland, | Passed November Session,
1779, | Entitled, | An Act for the assessment of pro- | perty within this state. | [ornamental rule] |
Annapolis: | Printed by Frederick Green, | Printer to this State. | [1780.]
Sm. 8vo. [A]4, C-D4, E2. 14 leaves.
Pages: [1]-28.
Leaf measures: 61/4 x 4 1/16 inches.
It was resolved at the November session "That Mr. Frederick Green, printer, according to his agreement with the house
of delegates, shall print and stitich in blue paper covers, seven hundred and fifty copies of this act, and make up into eighteen
parcels of thirty-six copies each, directed to the commissioners named in this act for the several counties ... before the
tenth day of January next, under the penalty of one hundred pounds current money ... and the printer shall deliver the
residue of said copies to the clerks of the senate and house of delegates." p. 21-22. The tax rate which was enacted by the
assembly provided for an assessment of five pounds on every hundred pounds worth of property in the state excepting that
belonging to churches and schools and clothes and provisions necessary for the use of the family for the year. See number
66 for similar act in 1779.
Not in Evans or Sabin.