A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
Journal and Baltimore Advertiser. | January 1, 1780. | Let festive Mirth once more appear, | And
smile upon the new-born Year; | ... [Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard, 1779.]
Sm. folio broadside. Type page enclosed in an ornamental border.
Leaf measures: 12 1/2 x 7 15/16 inches.
A New Year's address to the subscribers of the Maryland Journal stating the services of the paper to the people.
Evans, 16835 (entered under 1780.)
80. [The Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania Almanack For the Year of Our Lord, 1780.....
Baltimore: Printed and Sold by M. K. Goddard. 1779.]
Sm. 8vo. [A]-D4, E2. 18 leaves. No pagination.
Leaf measures: 6 1/2 x 4 inches.
The Maryland Historical Society has an imperfect copy of an almanac for 1780 lacking the title page. This may be a
copy of the Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania Almanack since it has points of similarity with the later almanacs printed
by the Goddards. There was an almanac printed by M. K. Goddard this year for in the almanac of 1787, William Goddard
wrote: "The very extensive and rapid sale of the Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia Almanack, for seven
successive years past ..." Evans states that this was written by David Rittenhouse. Further evidence of the publication
of an almanac is found in the following advertisement which appeared in the Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser,
October 5, 1779: "On Friday next will be published and sold at the Printing Office in Market Street, Baltimore (price
Twelve Dollars a Dozen or Ten Shillings for a single one) The Maryland Almanack For the year of our Lord 1780."
The American Antiquarian Society has an almanac for 1779 lacking the title page but containing the notice: "This
Almanack is sold wholesale and retail, by Mary K. Goddard, at the Post-Office in Baltimore-Town." The second leaf is
almost identical with that of M. K. Goddard's almanac for 1785 (see number 320) but it is unlike the second page of the
series for 1780 to 1784. It is likely that the almanac for 1779 was printed in Philadelphia.
Evans, 16506. Sabin, 45251.
MdHS {imperfect copy.)
81. [Engraved title page] Marylandischer Calender auf das Jahr 1780. | [Printed title page] Der
Allerneuste, Verbesserte- und Zuverlaszige | Americanische Reichs- Staats- Kriegs- Stiegs- und |
Geschichts- | Calender, | Auf das Jahr, ... | 1780. | .... [rule] | Zum Vierten mal herausgegeben.|
[double rule] | Friederich-Stadt, Gedruckt und zu finden bey Matthias Bartgis. | ... [1779.]
Sm. 4to. [A]-[F]2, [G]1, [H]2. 15 leaves.
Leaf measures: 81/2 x 6 inches.
As the title indicates, this is the fourth of a series of almanacs, the first of which would have been printed in the Fall
of 1776 and dated 1777. See number 17 for the earliest number of Bartgis's English almanac which has been located. The
copy which Seidensticker located at the German Society in Philadelphia could not be found by the librarian. The Anderson
Galleries auctioned a copy in the sale of "Americana from three Virginia libraries" (Sale 1765) in 1923, bound in the original
wrappers. The whereabouts of this copy is also unknown.
Evans, 16343. Seidensticker, p. 104.
82. QUERIST, pseud. Queries to the Whigs of Maryland. | ... [signed] A Querist. | ... [Baltimore:
Printed by M. K. Goddard, 1779.]
Sm. folio broadside. Printed in two columns.
Leaf measures: 61/2 x 8 inches.
This series of questions was designed to show that there were a great number of Tories taking part in the Maryland
government. The answers to the queries were to appear "in my next."
Evans, 16482.
83. RYAN, JAMES. A pedantic Pedagogue, suddenly metamorphosed into a General | of Law, is one
of the most amazing Circumstances that any Revolution ever produced, | ... [signed] James Ryan.
| ... Baltimore, Nov. 4, 1779. | [Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard, 1779.]