A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
5. GOODWIN, WILLIAM. Forty Dollars Reward. | Baltimore County, October 5, 1777. | Ran away,
last night, from the subscriber, an English servant man, named | Samuel Phillips, a Weaver by
trade ..... | [signed] | William Goodwin. | ..... [rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. | [1777.]
Small folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 6| x 8 inches.
The reward for his capture depended upon how far he had been able to get from home, i.e. if he were found less than
thirty miles from home the reward was ten dollars; if thirty miles, twenty dollars; if fifty miles, thirty dollars; and if eighty
miles, thirty dollars plus reasonable charges for returning him.
Evans, 15316.
6. MARTIN, LUTHER. To the Inhabitants of the Peninsula between the Delaware and the Chesa-
peake to the Southward of the British Lines. Baltimore: Printed by Mary Katherine Goddard.—
Description unknown.
Evans's note: "Luther Martin also published a reply to the Address that was sent out by the brothers Howe from their
ships in Chesapeake Bay."
Evans, 15389.
No copy located.
7. MARYLAND. An Act for the service of the United States, | Whereas it is represented by congress
to this state, that | they expect there will be a numerous army of continental | troops in the field,
during the ensuing campaign, and that | it will be necessary to procure large supplies of provisions
for their sup- | port; . [Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1777.]
Folio. Two leaves, printed on both sides.
Leaf measures: 13 x 8 1/2 inches.
An act empowering the Governor and Council to buy up cattle, salt beef and pork and bacon at a standard price and to
transport it by land or sea according to fixed rates. Perhaps Maryland's greatest contribution to the Revolution was her
service in supplying provisions and clothing to the Army. She was one of the few colonies not to be invaded by the British
and could therefore raise the necessary food stuffs. This phase of the history of the state is shown in the Journal and Cor-
respondence of the State Council which is printed in the Archives of Maryland, Vol. XLV.
Evans, 15390.
8. ———— Four Sections of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of | Maryland, entitled, An
Act to promote the Recruiting Service, j ..... Annapolis, 2 April, 1777. | [Annapolis: Printed by
Frederick Green, 1777.]
Folio. One leaf, printed on both sides.
Leaf measures: ij$J x 8J inches.
An act providing for the collection of blankets in the State of \faryland. A collector was appointed in every Hundred
who was empowered to requisition one half of all the blankets belonging to every housekeeper over and beyond those used
by his family in the winter season. Provision was made for determining the value of the blankets and for reimbursing the
owner. On the verse is the printed form appointing the collector and directing him where to deposit the blankets. The
New York Public Library copy is dated in mss April 2, 1777.
Evans, 15392. Waters, 237.
MdHS. NVPL. LC. Huntington. HSP.
9. ———— I Do hereby certify, that [blank] hath taken and | subscribed the oath or affirmation of
allegiance and fidelity, as directed by an ; act of General Assembly intituled An act to oblige the
free male inhabitants of! this state above a certain age to give assurance of allegiance to the same,