Bibliography of Maryland Imprints,1777-1790
1. Dunlap's | Maryland Gazette; | Or, The | Baltimore General Advertiser. (Jan. 7-Dec. 30, 1777,
being Nos. 89 to 140 of Vols. II & III) [Colophon:] Baltimore: Printed by John Dunlap, at his
Printing-Office in Market-Street.
Folio. Printed in three colums. Two leaves each number, except Nos. 91, 93, 111, 113, 122, 127-130, 133-136 which have
one. Weekly on Tuesday.
Leaf measures: 16 1/4 x 10 inches.
Evans, 15293.
MdHS (lacks Jan. 7-Feb. 11, Aug. 5, Sep. 30-Oct. 21, Nov. 4-Nov. 11, Dec. 30.) EPFL (lacks Oct. 7, Oct. 28m, Nov. 4,
Dec. 9.) See Brigham, American Newspapers for other files.
2. GODDARD, WILLIAM. Baltimore, April 18. The following Resolves, with his Excellency | the
Governor's Proclamation, reflect so much Ho- | nour on this Infant-State, and so clearly manifest |
the Justice and Dignity of its Rulers, that I think it | my Duty to present them to the Public as
early as | possible....... [signed] William Goddard. [Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard, 1777.]
4to. broadside. Printed in two columns.
Leaf measures:10 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches.
This broadside includes a short introduction by Goddard, the Resolves of the House of Delegates dated April 11 and the
Proclamation of Governor Thomas Johnson dated April 17.
Evans, 15391.
LC. MassHS.
3. ———— Mr. David Rusk! | Having been, this Morning, assaulted when I was off my Guard, in | my
own House, by a Gang of Ruffians ..... [signed] William Goddard. | Baltimore, March 25, 1777.
[Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard, 1777.]
4to. broadside.
Leaf measures: 8 1/2 x 6 3/4 inches.
An announcement of his intention "... to proceed to Annapolis, where I shall solicit the Legislature of this State for
Protection against the Miscreants ..."
Evans, 15314
4. ———— The | Prowess | Of The | Whig Club, 1 And The | Manoeuvres | Of | Legion. | "Pro Aris et _
Focis!" | These Demoniacs let me dub | With the Name of Legion-Club, | Swift. | [double rule] | Bal-
timore: Printed for the Author. | [1777.]
Sm. 8vo. [A]-B4, C2 Ten leaves.
Pages: [i}-16, 1-4.
Leaf measures: 6} x 4 inches.
See the biographical sketch of Goddard and also the account of the affair which lead to the printing of this in Wroth,
pages 136-137. Bound in the copy at the Antiquarian Society is a two leaf printed postscript containing the resolution of
the House of Delegates on April 17, 1777; the proclamation of the Governor on April 16; and a list of the members of the
Whig Club.
Evans, 15315. Sabin, 27644.
BA. AAS. JCB. NYPL (two copies, one imperfect). LC.