A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
Evans—Evans, Charles, American Bibliography ..... 1639-1799, Chicago. 1903-1934.
Ford—Ford, Worthington C., Bibliographical Notes in Journals of the Continental Congress.
Washington. 1904-1937+.
Sabin—Sabin, Joseph, Dictionary of books relating to America, New York. 1868-1936.
Waters—Waters, Willard O., American Imprints, 1648-1797, in the Huntington Library.
In Huntington Library Bulletin No. 3 (1933) pp. 1-95.
Waters, American Laws—Waters, Willard O., Check List of American laws, charters and
constitutions ..... in the Huntington Library. San Marino, 1936.
Wroth—Wroth, Lawrence C., History of Printing in Colonial Maryland. Baltimore, 1922.
6. The location of copies of each imprint is given. It has seemed desirable to adopt the same
abbreviations for libraries used by Wroth rather than using the necessarily clumsy symbols
developed by the Union Catalog at Washington.
AAS —American Antiquarian Society.
APS —American Philosophical Society.
BA —Boston Athenaeum.
BaltBar—Library Company of the Baltimore Bar.
BaltCityLib—Baltimore City Library (now Legislative Reference Bureau).
BM —British Museum.
BPI —Peabody Institute of Baltimore.
BU (Harris collection)—Brown University Library. Fisk Harris collection of American Poetry
and Plays.
Clements—William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan.
Columbia Law—Columbia University Law Library.
EPFL—Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore's Public Library.
GS —German Society of Pennsylvania.
H —Harvard University.
HLawLib.—Harvard University Law Library.
HSP —Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Huntington—Henry E. Huntington Library.
JCB —John Carter Brown Library.
JHP —Private collection of J. Hall Pleasants, M.D., of Baltimore.
JWGarrett—Private collection of Hon. John W. Garrett, of Baltimore.
LC —Library of Congress.
LCP —Library Company of Philadelphia.
MassSL—Massachusetts State Library.
MdArchives—Bound volumes of manuscript papers and broadsides at Hall of Records.
MdDioc.—Maryland Diocesan Library.
MdHS—Maryland Historical Society.
MdSL—Maryland State Library.
NYHS—New York Historical Society.
NYPL—New York Public Library.
NYSL—New York State Library.
PennSL—Pennsylvania State Library.
Randall collection—Private collection of Blanchard Randall, of Baltimore.
RIArchives—Rhode Island Archives.
RIHistSoc—Rhode Island Historical Society.
RILawLibrary—Rhode Island Law Library.