An Annotated Bibliography of Books, Newspapers and Broadsides
Printed in Maryland from
1777 to 1790
HE purpose of this bibliography is to list all Maryland
imprints, with the exception of paper money and cer-
tain legal forms and writs. A full bibliographical entry
is used in describing the output of the press in this
period because the bibliography has been designed as a
guide and check list for book collectors and librarians
as well as for students interested in the political, social
and intellectual history of the state. In describing the imprints in this
bibliography the compiler has followed with a few minor changes the
form and method used by Lawrence C. Wroth in his History of Printing
in Colonial Maryland.
1. The title is given in sufficient fullness to show the subject. The line endings are indicated and
the capitalization, punctuation and spelling have been reproduced as they appear in the
original. All descriptive words introduced by the compiler are enclosed in square brackets.
2. The imprint is given as it appears on the title page. Unnecessarily long colophons in newspapers
and almanacs are shortened by the use of ellipses where omissions do not materially effect
the value of the imprint. When the imprint or date of publication are supplied by the
compiler, they are enclosed in square brackets.
3. The collation includes the format as determined by the fold of the paper; the signature se-
quence indicated by the "algebraic" method in which the capital letter represents the gath-
ering and the superior number shows the number of leaves in that gathering; the total
number of leaves; the pagination; and the leaf measure in inches for the convenience of
the vast majority of book users who do not visualize in the metric system.
4. A short note of the contents and a biogiaphical sketch of the author have been given when the
importance of the item warranted this treatment.
5. Reference has been made to the standard bibliographies of Americana which mention the
imprint. The following abbreviations have been used:
Benedict—Acts and Laws of the thirteen original colonies and states ..... of Hon. Russell
Benedict. American Art Association. Feb. 27, 1922.
Brigham, American Newspapers—Brigham, Clarence, Bibliography of American News-
paper, 1690-1820 in Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. Now being revised
to be published in book form.