A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
539. The | Pennsylvania, Delaware, | Maryland and Virginia | Almanack, | And | Ephemeris, | For
the Year of Our Lord, 11791; | ... [double rule] 1 Baltimore: Printed and Sold, Wholesale and
Re-| tail, by William Goddard and James Angell, | ... [1790.]
tamo. [A]-B12. 24 leaves.
Pages: [1], 3-48.
Leaf measures: 61/4 x 3 3/4 inches.
The Story of Montesquieu is reprinted here. It was a favorite item for those who edited almanacs. There are also four
and one half pages on agriculture extracted from "The Agronome: Or The Farmer's Pocket-Dictionary."
Evans, 23094.
JCB (interleaved). LC (lacks last leaf).
540. [SALISBURY ASSOCIATION. Minutes of the Salisbury Association, convened at Fowling-Creek,
October 23, 1790. Easton: Printed by James Cowan?, 1790.]
Collation unknown.
Evans describes. Not in Whitley, Baptist Bibliography.
Evans, 36127.
No copy located.
541. SPECTATOR. To the Public, | It is a painful Necessity only which induces me to appear again
before the | Public ... [signed] A Spectator. [ Baltimore, August 2, 1790. [Baltimore: Printed by
John Hayes, 1790.]
Large 4to. broadside. Printed in three columns.
Leaf measures: 17 z z6| inches.
Occasioned by the dissolution of the medical society of Baltimore. The bitter attack on those who caused the failure
of the project is followed by a pessimistic view of the future possibilities of a medical school in the town. "The injury done
to you, by the Dissolution of the Medical Society of this Town, is plain. Half a Century will not restore that Public Con-
fidence in our Physicians that is essential to the Establishment of a Medical School at your Doors."
Not in Evans or Sabin.
EPFL (2 copies.)
542. ———— To The | Public. | My silence for some time past will no doubt excite the | surprise of
many ... [signed] A Spectator. | Baltimore, July 21, 1790. | [Baltimore: Printed by John Hayes?,
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 17 x 10 inches.
Published as a broadside because Goddard and Angell did not think the newspaper readers would be sufficiently inter-
ested in the Medical Society to justify using space there. The controversy which occasioned this broadside arose over the
dissolution of the society. See number 541.
Not in Evans or Sabin.
54la. The Times, And Patowmack Packet. 1 (Jan. 6-Dec. 29,1790, being Nos. 47 to 98.) [Colophon:]
George-Town: Published by Charles Fierer ...
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each known number.
Leaf measures: 16 x 9 inches.
Evans, 32955.
AAS, See Brigham, American Newspapers.
543. [UNITED STATES. Certain Laws of the United States interesting to Gentlemen Concerned in
the Revenue, Navigation, and Commerce. Printed by Goddard and Angell, 1790.]
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