A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
Collation unknown.
Announced as just published by Goddard and Angell in Washington Spy, December 23,1790.
Not in Evans.
No copy located.
544. [Der Verbesserte Hoch Deutsche Americanische Land und Staats Calender. Aud das Jahr ...
1791. Friedrich Stadt: Gedruckt bey Matthias Bartgis, 1790.]
Collation unknown.
Seidensticker describes but does not locate a copy.
Evans, 23012. Seidensticker, p. 125.
No copy located.
545. [WARD, BENJAMIN M. An Essay on religion, and the plain way to Heaven. By Benjamin M.
Ward, philom. Baltimore: Printed by Samuel and John Adams, for the Author, Talbot County
(at the place known by the name of The Trap). 1790.]
Collation unknown.
Described by Evans who does not locate.
Evans, 23030.
No copy located.
546. The Washington Spy. | (July i-Dec. 30, 1790, being Nos. I to 27 of Vol. I) [Colophon:] Eliza-
beth-(Hager's) Town, | Printed by Stewart Herbert.
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each number. Weekly on Thursday.
Leaf measures: 151/4 z 91/2 inches.
Newspaper established by Stewart Herbert and continued by him until his death in 1796 when his wife took it over.
Evans, 23037.
MdHS. See Brigham, American Newspapers for other files.
547. WATCHMAN. A | Divine Call | To | That highly favoured People | The | Jews, | Justice and
Mercy opening now the Way | for their Restoration. | By the Watchman. | ... [rule] | Annapolis:
| Printed by Frederick Green, | Printer to the State. [1790.]
12mo. [A]-C2, D4. 22 leaves.
Pages: [i]-[iii], iv-viii, [i], 2-35-
Leaf measures: 71/2 x 41/2 inches.
From the publisher's note on the verso of the title page: "The substance of this Tract, is a full and satisfactory answer
to the important inquiry now made by the Jews, "Whether Jesus Christ was the promised Messiah." ... though in manu-
script since the year 1783, it was not 'till now published ..." The author has not been identified.
Not in Evans. Waters, American Imprints, 595.
MdHS. Huntington. NYPL. (in original blue paper covers.)
548. WESLEY, CHARLES. An | Epistle | To The Reverend | Mr. George Whitefield: | Written in the
Year MDCCLV. | [rule] | By Charles Westley [sic], A.M. | Late Student of Christ-Church, Oxford.
| [double rule] | London: Printed— | Baltimore: Re-printed and Sold by Samuel | and John Adams.
| [rule] | MDCCXC.
8vo. Four unsigned leaves.
Leaf measures: 61/2 z 4 inches.
Pages [1]-[3], 4-7
The epistle was in verse. An exhortation "To pluck poor souls as brands out of the flame ..."
Evans, 23064.