A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
Supplements to numbers 580 and 582.
Evans, 23645.
MdHS. EPFL. See Brigham, American Newspapers for other files.
535- ———— The News-Boy's Verses, | For January 1, 1790; respectfully inscribed to the | Friends
and Patrons of the Maryland | Gazette; or, the Baltimore Advertiser. | ... [Baltimore: Printed by
John Hayes, 1789.]
Large 4to. broadside. Type page enclosed in ornamental border.
Leaf measures: 11 x 5 1/2 inches.
Contains verses on George Washington.
Not in Evans.
536. The | Maryland Herald, | And | Eastern Shore Intelligencer. | (May 11-Dec. 28, 1790, being
Nos. 1 to 33 of Vol I) [Colophone:] Easton: Printed by James Cowan
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each number. Weekly on Tuesday.
Leaf measures: 17 x 10 1/2 inches.
See number 496 for the prospectus issued by Cowan from Annapolis in 1789.
Evans, 22646.
AAS. EPFL (Oct. 12). MdHS. See Brigham, American Newspapers.
537. The Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser. | (Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1790, being Nos. 1208 to
1311 of Vol. XVII) [Colophon:] Baltimore: Printed by W. Goddard, | and James Angell, Market-
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each number. Biweekly on Tuesday and Friday.
Leaf measures: 16 3/4 z 10 inches.
One leaf supplements to numbers 1208,1310-1317,1219,1221-1222,1224,1226,1228-1230,1232,1346-1247,1249-1251,
1253-1256,1258, 1261, 1263, 1268,1270, 1274, «77i 1279-1281, 1283-1285, 1287, 1290-1292, 1294. Two leaf supplements
to numbers 1236,1238,1240,1242-1244.
Evans, 22647.
EPFL. MdHS. See Brigham, American Newspapers for other files.
538. The | New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Dela- | ware, Maryland and Virginia | Almanac, | And |
Ephemeris, | For The Year Of Our Lord | 1791; |... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: | Printed and
Sold by Samuel and John Adams, in Mar- | ket-street, between South and Gay-streets. | [1790.]
ismo. [A]4, B2, C4, D2, E4, F2, G4, H2, 24 leaves.
No pagination. Type page enclosed in double rule border.
Leaf measures: 71/4 x 41/4 inches.
Evans, 22716.
538a. OGLEBY, RICHARD, [cut of horse] | Nebuchadnezzar, | A full-bred Dray Horse, | Will stand
the ensuing Season at Ranelagh, | the Country Seat of Benjamin Nicholson, Esq; | 17 Miles from |
Baltimore, on the Road to York ... [signed] Richard Ogleby, | Groom. | March 19, 1790. | [orna-
mental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by W. Goddard and J. Angell.
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 131/4 x 7 inches.
Not in Evans.