A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
thousand seven hun- | dred and eighty-nine. | [ornamental rale] | [arms of the state] | [ornamental
rule] | Annapolis: | Printed by Frederick Green, | Printer to the State. | [1790.]
Folio. [A]1, B-Y2. 43 leaves.
No pagination.
Leaf measures: 147/8 x 8 7/8 inches.
Evans, 22640. Waters, American Laws, 350. Benedkt, 97.
MdHS(imperfect), MdDioc. MdSL. BaltBar. LC(3 copies). NYPL. HarvardLaw. Huntington. BPI. BaltCityLib.
NYSL. PennSL(imperfect). RILawLibrary. AAS. Columbia Law.
530. ——— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings|Of The | House Of Delegates | Of The | State of
Maryland. | November Session, 1789. | Being the First Session of this Assembly. | ... [Annapolis:
Printed by Frederick Green, 1790.]
Folio. A-Z2. Aa-Gg2, [Hh]1. 61 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: [i]-121.
Leaf measures: 12 x 7 1/4 inches.
The assembly was convened November 2 and a quorum was present November 6. The session ended December 35,1789.
Evans, 93641.
531. ——— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | Senate | Of The | State of Maryland.
| November Session, 1789. | Being the Sixth Session of the Third Senate. | ... [Annapolis: Printed
by Frederick Green, 1790.]
Sin. folio. A-L2, M1. 23 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: [1]-40,
Leaf measures: 11 3/4 x 71/4 inches.
The assembly was convened November a and a quorum was present November 16. The session ended December 25,
Evans, 33643.
MdHS. LC. Huntington.
532. The | Maryland Gazette. | (Jan. 7-Dec. 30, 1790, being Nos. 2243 to 2294 of XLVth Year)
[Colophon:] Annapolis: Printed by Frederick and | Samuel Green.
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each number. Weekly on Thursday.
Leaf measures: 161/2 x xo inches.
Evans, 33643.
MdSL. MdHS. See Brigham, American Newspapers for other files.
533. The Maryland Gazette, and Frederick Weekly Advertiser. | (Feb. 20-Dec. 25, 1790, being
Nos. 1 to 45 of Vol. I) [Colophon:] Frederick-Town: Printed by John Winter, at the Printing-Office
in Patrick-Street ..,
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each number.
Leaf measures: 17 x xof inches.
Evans, 23644.
AAS (Dec. ix, 18, 25.) See Brigham, American Newspapers.
534. The Maryland Gaaette; or, the Baltimore Advertiser, | (Jan.1-Dec. 31, 1790, being Nos. 547
to 651 of Vol. VII & VIII) [Colophon:] Baltimore:—Printed and Published by John Hayes, the
corner of Market and Calvert Streets
Folio. Printed in four columns. Two leaves each number. Biweekly on Tuesday and Friday.
Leaf measures; 16 1/4 x 10 inches.
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