A History of the Maryland Press y 1777-1790
A long discussion of the problems o! baptism.
Evans, 22115.
5148. SAINT JOHN'S COLLEGE. Annapolis, May 25, 1789. | Sir, | After a long suspension in the busi-
ness of Saint | John's College, the visitors and governors thereof, on the 12th instant, held | a meeting
., [Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1789.]
Folio. Two leaves, last leaf blank.
Leaf measures: 13 1/2 x 81/4 inches.
A circular letter to the subscribers asking them to pay their promised contributions.
Not in Evans.
515. Scheme of a Lottery | For assisting to Pave the Streets at Fell's-Point, etc. | [rule] | The fol-
lowing Scheme has for its Object the | rendering the Road between the Town and Point, more
easy and commodious for | Waggons, and to assist in paving the Streets at the Point. The general
Commerce of | Baltimore being intimately connected with the Success of this undertaking, it is
hop- | ed it will meet with general Encouragement; ... | Baltimore, March 16, 1789. | [rule] |
Baltimore: Printed by William Goddard, Market-Street. [1789.] —
La. folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 15x7 inches.
There were three classes of lottery tickets which sold for 4, 6 and 8 dollars respectively. The total value of the tickets
was £13500 of which all but £2437 was to be used for prizes. The managers whose names are given include several of the
prominent Baltimore merchants.
Not in Evans.
Balto. Municipal Museum, (Hambleton collection).
516. STERETT, SAMUEL. To the Public. | It is with extreme pain I have discovered that the tongue
of de-| famation has been busy with my reputation. Party spirit un- | fortunately rages in so great a
degree in this Town, that it is | a matter of course that every Candidate for public favour, who
does | not receive his nomination from the Insurance-Office, whatever | his pretentions may be,
must be opposed...... [signed] Samuel Sterett. | Baltimore, December 31, 1788. [Baltimore: Printed
by William Goddard, 1789,]
8vo. broadside.
Leaf measures: 8 3/4 x 5 3/4 inches.
Sterett says that the Insurance Office is a powerful force in politics and influences the people at times in an improper
manner. He mentions an electioneering publication, signed by Gough, M'Henry, Smith, Keeports, T. Smith and Merryman,
which attacked him. He also states: "The attempt to impose on free independent Electors, by printed forms of Tickets, is
justly resented by many."
Evans, 31478.
5163. The [cut] Times, | And The 1 Patowmack Packet, | (Feb. 12-Dec. 30, 1789, being Nos. 1-46
of Vol. I) [Colophon:] George-Town: Printed by Charles Fierer.
Folio. Printed in three columns. Two leaves each known number. Weekly on Wednesday.
Leaf measures: 16x9 inches.
Thomas U. Fosdick's name was added to the imprint on or before Nov. 25. See Plate XV for reproduction of first page
of April as number.
Evans, 22184,
LC (Apr. 23). AAS (Nov. 35).