A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
511. OTT, ADAM. Communications interesting to the Public. | The following is a Copy of an Answer
of Adam Ott, late | Sheriff of Washington County, to a Letter from Abraham | Faw. | ... [Bald-
more: Printed by William Goddard?, 1789.]
4to. broadside. Printed in two columns.
Leaf measures: 10 1/4 x 81/4 inches.
The voters of Frederick County were in favor of the Federal Ticket and when Dr. Cruse of Baltimore attempted to
electioneer in favor of Abraham Faw, the citizens were about to tar and feather him had he not escaped in the night.
Evans, 22177.
512. The ] Pennsylvania, Delaware, | Maryland and Virginia | Almanack | And | Ephemeris, | For
the Year of our Lord, ] 1790; | ... [double rule] | Baltimore: Printed and Sold, Wholesale and Re-
tail, | by William Goddard, and James Angell, at their | Printing-Office, in Market-Street. Sold also
by Messrs. Hanson and Bond, Printers, in Alexandria, and by Mr. | Nathaniel Willis, Printer,
in Winchester, Virginia. | [1789.]
12mo. [A]-B12. 24 leaves.
No pagination.
Leaf measures: 6 1/2 z 4 inches.
Preface is signed by B. Workman. The almanac includes a fist of the members of Congress, duties on imports and exports,
port fees, value of money and scales of depreciation, and boundaries of the United States.
Evans, 22294
MdHS. LC. AAS(imperfect).
512a. [Poor Robin's Almanack, or the Maryland Ephemeris for the year of our Lord, 1790. Fred-
erick-Town: Printed by Matthias Bartgis [?], 1789.]
Description unknown.
Advertised as "Just Published, And to be Sold at this Office, Wholesale and Retail" in The Times and the Palowmack
Packet for November 25, 1789. It seems probable that the almanac was printed at Frederick and sold wholesale to Fierer
and Fosdick by Bartgis for distribution in Georgetown. Bartgis published an almanac for 1788 with the same title as this
item. (See number 449.)
Evans, 32808.
No copy located.
513. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Journal | Of A | Convention | Of The | Protestant Episcopal
Church, | In The State Of | Maryland,) Held In | St. Paul's Church, | In The Town Of | Baltimore,
| From | Tuesday, June 2d, to Friday, June 5th, 1789. | [rule] | Baltimore: | Printed By William
Goddard, In Market-Street, | [rule] | M.DCC.LXXXIX.
8vo. A4, B4 12 leaves. Last leaf blank.
Pages: [1]-22.
Leaf measures: 81/4 x 41/2 inches.
Not in Evans.
MdHS. MdDioc. JCB. NYPL. LC.
514. RICE, DAVID. An | Essay | On | Baptism. | [rule] | By David Rice. | [rule] | [quotation from
John 1. 23 in Greek] | [rule] | Baltimore: | Printed By William Goddard, In Market-Street, | [rule]
8vo. [A]-E2, F2. 42 leaves. Last leaf blank.
Pages: [1] - [5], 6-82.
Leaf measures: 7 3/4 x 4 3/4 inches.
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