CHAP. 115.
lestation, interference or consent, of her husband William S.
Love, in as full and ample manner as if she were and always
had been a feme sole, and may in her own name sue and be
sued at law and in equity.
Her name changed
3. And be it enacted, That the name of the said Henrietta
S. Love is hereby changed and altered unto the name of Hen-
rietta Hatton, and she shall at all times hereafter be called and
known by, and told and use tlie name of Hatton only, and by
such name shall site and be sued in any court of law cr equity.
Lawful acts here-
after made to be
4. And be it enacted, That all securities, promises, contracts,
assurances, deeds, and lawful acts whatsoever, hereafter to be
made and done by and to the said Henrietta S. Lore, by the
name of Henrietta Hatton, shall be of the same force, validity
and effect, and of equal avail, to all intents and purposes, as if
the name of Henrietta Hatton had been the true and proper
name of the said Henrietta S. Love from her birth, any law or
custom to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided, that no-
thing in this act contained shall affect the rights of third persons
acquired previous to the passage of this act.
Passed Feb 27, 1827
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to authorise the sale of Tickets in
a Lottery to be drawn in Virginia, for the disposal of the Properly of Tho-
mas Jefferson.
WHEREAS an act was passed at December session eighteen
hundred and twenty-five, chapter one hundred and thirty-six,
to authorise any person or persons in this state to sell and dis-
pose of tickets in the lottery authorised by an act of the state
of Virginia, allowing Thomas Jefferson to dispose of his pro-
perty: And whereas it is proposed, in the congress of the
United States, to connect the said lottery with a grant to be
made to the corporation of the city of Washington: And
whereas the effect of such connection would be to authorise the
sale of foreign tickets to an unknown amount in this state:
And whereas the legislature is disposed to facilitate the dispo-
sal of the property of the late Thomas Jefferson, for the bene-
fit of his heirs, although unwilling to encourage the schemes of
In case authority
formerly granted,
be connected with
any other lottery,
it shall be void
speculation for other purposes; Therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in case the authority granted by the act of December ses-
sion eighteen hundred and twenty-five, chapter one hundred
and thirty-six, shall be connected or combined with any other
lottery or scheme whatsoever, then the same shall, ipso facto.
become void, eo instanti.
Passed Feb 27, 1827
Levies in advance
An Act to provide for the more speedy payment of Jurors in Charles and
Kent Counties.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful for
the justices of the levy courts of Charles and Kent counties,
and they are hereby authorised, to levy annually, one year in
advance, upon the assessable property of the said counties, such
sums of money as the said justices may deem sufficient to dis-