charge all claims which may accrue for the attendance of the ju-
rymen for the two next succeeding terms of the county courts
of the said counties.
CHAP. 117.
2. And be if enacted, That a certificate signed by the re-
spective clerks of the county courts, expressing the number of
days which any juryman may have attended, and the sum of
money due to him for such attendance, shall be a sufficient au-
thority to the sheriffs or collectors of the said counties, respec-
tively, to pay the amount so specified in the said certificate.
Certificate of clerk
to authorise pay.
ment to jurors
An Act to alter and repeal such parts of the Constitution ami Form of Go-
vernment as relate to the division of Worcester County Into Election
Passed Feb 27 1827
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly,
that great inconvenicncies have been experienced by reason of
the existing division of Worcester county into election dis-
tricts; for remedy whereof,
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all such parts of the constitution, and form of government
as relate to the division of Worcester county into election dis-
Part of coonstitution
on repealed
tricts, be and the same are hereby repealed.
2. And be it enacted, That Worcester county shall be
divided and laid off into six separate, election districts, whereof
the present district called and known as number four, or John
son's district, and the district called and known as number five
or Dennis' district, shall be divided into three separate election
districts, and the present districts, viz. number one, or Costen's
district, and number two, or Snow Hill district, and number
three, or the Trap district, to be and remain as they now are.
County to be di-
vided into six dis-
3. And be it enacted, That in case thi? act shall be confirm
ed as required by the constitution, the levy court of Worcester
county are hereby authorized and directed to appoint five com-
missioners who, or a majority of them, or in case of death,
majority of those surviving, are hereby authorised and empow-
ered to lay off the said county into six separate election dis-
tricts, as is provided for by this act, and to select and appoint a
suitable place for holding the elections in each of the said dis-
tricts, having due regard to population, extent of territory, and
When confirmed
districts to be laid
the convenience of voters.
4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners appointed by
virtue of this act shall meet at the town of Snow Hill on the
first Monday of May next succeeding the confirmation of this
act, as required by the constitution, for the purpose of carrying
into effect the provisions of this act, and the said commission-
ers may adjourn from time to time, and from place to place,
until they shall have performed and completed the duties re
quired of them by this, act; and the said commissioners are
hereby required, on or before the first day of July next, after
their meeting as aforesaid, to make out and deliver to the clerk
of the county aforesaid, a plain and accurate description, in writ-
ing, of the limits, boundaries and designations, of each distric
so laid off, with plats thereof, if they shall deem them to be ne-
cessary, certified under their hands and seals, and the said clerk
Commissioners to
meet to carry this
act into effect