dry inhabitants of the, village of Greensborough, that they la-
bour under serious inconveniencies for want of an act of incor-
poration ; Therefore,
CHAP. 67.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
That it shall and may be lawful for the citizens of the village of
Greensborough, to meet on the second Monday in April next,
and annually forever thereafter, nt such place us they, or a ma-
jority of them, shall appoint, and by ballot, from amongst them-
selves, choose five of the most discreet persons, residents of said
village, as commissioners; and in case any of the said commissi-
oners should die, refuse to acf, or remove out of the said village,
the others, or a majer part of them, shall elect some other lit
and proper person or persons of the said village, to fill said va-
cancy or vacancies, until a new election shall happen.
Commissioners to
be elected— Va-
2. And be it enacted, That every commissioner appointed
in pursuance of this act, before he shall proceed to execute the
duties of his office, shall take an oath, or affirmation, before same
justice of the peace, thnt he will diligently and faithfully, ac-
cording to the best of his judgment, perform the duties of a
commissioner of the said vi!l?j^c, according to the directions of
this act, without favour, partiality or prejudice; and a certificate
of such qualification shall be made and returned by such justices
of the peace to the said commissioners, lo be filed and recorded
amongst their proceedings.
To taks an oath
3. And he it enac/ed, That the commissioners of sold vil-
lage, or a majority of them, shall meet together at such place as
they shall appoint within said village, as shall be previously no-
tified for that purpose, on the second Monday in April next en-
suing, and on the second Monday in e very third month thereafter,
and as much oftener by adjournments as they shall judge, to be
necessary; and when so assembled, they, or a majority of there
shall proceed to execute the several powers and authorities vest-
ed in them by virtue of this act, from time to time, as occasion
may require.
4. And be it enacted. That the said commissioners, or a ma-
jority of them, and their successors, shall have full power and
authority to make such by-laws for the regulation and good go-
vernment of the said village, and the inhabitants thereof, to re-
strain all disorders and disturbances, and to prevent all nuisan-
ces, inconveniencies and annoyances, within said village, as from
time to time may be necessary and consonant to reason, and not
contrary to the constitution and laws, of this state; and the
said by-laws shall he observed, kept and performed, by all the
inhabitants fif the said village, under such reasonable penalties,
fines and forfeitures, as shall be imposed by such by-laws, not
exceeding five dollars in any one cose.
Their powers
5. Aad be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
cause a just and fair assessment and valuation of all the real pro-
perty, within the limits of the said village, to bo made and re-
turned, between the second Monday in April, and the second
Monday of May annually? by some person to be appointed by
them, or a majority of them, or their successors, who shall take
an oath to make true valuation thereof in current money, to the
best of his skill and judgment, which said oath may be admi-
Vauation of pro-
perty authorised