Appointment of
bailiff, his power
6, And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a ma-
jority of them, and their successors, shall, on the second Mon-
day of April, (or as soon thereafter as is convenient,) and an-
nually every year thereafter, appoint an active, discreet person,
to be bailiff, constable and collector, within the limits of said
village, who, before he shall proceed to the execution of his of-
fice, shall take an oath, or affirmation, (as the case may be,) to
be administered by any justice of the peace for Caroline coun-
ty, that he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties re-
quired of him as bailiff, constable ami collector, within the li-
mits of said village, by virtue of this act, without favour, af-
fection or partiality, according to the best of his skill and judg-
ment; and the said bailiff, constable and collector, shall give bond
in the same manner, and under the same penalties, that the se-
veral constables and collectors of said county do; and it shall be
the duty of the said bailiff or constable to attend the meeting of
the commissioners, whenever he shall be required to perform
such services as shall from time to time be by them directed,
for the more effectual accomplishing the object of this act; to
prevent the tumultuous and irregular meeting of slaves, negroes,
and other dissolute and disorderly persons, within the limits of
said village, or if so assembled, to disperse, by reasonable and
lawful means, and to punish with moderate correction, all such
negroes, and other slaves, as shall be found wandering or strol-
ling about the streets in the night-time, or frequenting the houses
of other persons in said village, without the consent or permis-
sion of their masters, mistresses or overseers.
Taxes to be col-
lected as county
charges are
7. And be it enacted. That if any person or persons shall
refuse or neglect to pay their taxes, fines or forfeitures, charged
against them by virtue of this act, it shall and may be lawful
for the commissioners of the said village, to collect the same,
in the same manner, by the bailiff, that the county charges are
now collected by the county collector.
Clerk to be ap-
pointed-his duty
8. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall, on
the second Monday in April next, or as soon thereafter as may
be convenient, nominate and appoint some fit person to be clerk
to the said commissioners, whose duty it shall be to keep a fair
and faithful record of their proceedings by virtue of this act, in
a book to be provided for that purpose by the said commission-
ers, which proceedings shall be subject to the inspection and ex-
amination of the inhabitants of the said village, and of all per-
sons who may be concerned in said proceedings; and the said
commissioners shall allow their said clerk a reasonable compen-
sation for his services, and also to the said bailiff, as collector,
for his extra services, both of which shall be rated by the said
commissioners, and paid out of the money arising by virtue of
this act.