CHAP. 87.
branches of the council, or any two of them, the mayor being
one, in the penal sum of twice the amount assessed for the ex-
penses of opening said street, agreeably to the return of the said
commissioners, conditioned for the true and faithful performance
of the trust so reposed in him, and the duties so required of him.
Allowance to
12. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
receive as a compensation for their services two dollars per day
for every day they may act, which compensation shall be paid
by the said mayor and city council as part of the expenses of
opening said street, which shall be assessed and collected in
manner aforesaid.
Act to have no
force unless ap-
proved of
13. And be it enacted. That this act shall be of no force or
validity unless approved of by the mayor and city council of
Passed Feb 14,1827
An Act to prevent Gaming.
Penalty on per-
sons convicted of
keeping gaming
tables, &c.
I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That every person who shall be duly convicted of keeping any
E. O. Table, or any other kind of gaming table, (billiard tables
excepted,) at which the game of Pharo, Equality, or any other
game of chance, shall be played for money, or of keeping any
bank, and inducing or permitting any person or persons to bet
against said bank, or of strolling about the country from place
to place, and deriving a support and maintenance chiefly from
gaming, or of permitting the same to be kept or practised in
any tavern or house, stall or booth, of which he, she or they,
may be the keeper or keepers, proprietor or proprietors, occu-
pant or occupants, shall, for the first offence, forfeit and pay a
sum not exceeding two thousand dollars, nor less than one
thousand dollars, and be imprisoned for a period, in the discre-
tion of the court, not exceeding twelve months, and upon the
second conviction, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding
four thousand dollars, nor less than two thousand dollars, and
be imprisoned for a period not exceeding two years, nor less
than three months.
Fines, how to be
2. And be it enacted. That all fines imposed under this act
shall be paid, one half to the informer, and the other half to
the state.
Part of an aet
3. And be it enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That
so much of the seventh section of an aet of assembly, entitled,
An act concerning crimes and punishments, passed at Novem-
ber session, in the year eighteen hundred and nine, as pre-
scribes a different punishment for the above mentioned offences,
be and the same is hereby repealed.
Not to state
any prosecution
now pending
4. And be it enacted. That nothing herein contained shall
operate to abate any prosecution now pending under the laws of
this state.
Officers com-
mitted before the
passage of the act
to be proceeded
5. And be it enacted. That all such offences committed be-
fore the passage of this act, as are embraced by this act, shall
be and they are hereby directed to be proceeded against and
punished, as the same would have been proceeded against and
punished if this act had not passed.