CHAP. 75.
serving warrants, or capias ad satisfaciendum, against citizens
as aforesaid, for the recovery of small debts, due and owing td „
citizens of Annapolis.
No juitice or con-
table in A. A.
county to have ju-
risdiction over re-
sidents in Anna-
2. And be it enacted, That no justice of the peace or con-
stable residing in Anne-Arundel county, shall have jurisdiction
over the persons of citizens of Annapolis, whilst within the li-
mits of said county, by issuing or serving warrants, or capias
ad satisfaciendum, against citizens as aforesaid, for the recove-
ry of small debts, due and owing to persons inhabitants of
Anne-Arundel county.
Passed Jan 16, 1827
An Act to appoint Commissioners to change the divisional line between the
second and third Electron Districts in Worcester County, in order that
the said third Election District may be thereby enlarged.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the
petition of sundry voters residing in the second and third elec-
tion districts in Worcester county, that their convenience would
be greatly promoted by the changing of the divisional line be-
tween the said election districts, so that a part of the said second
district may be added to the said third district, and have prayed
that a law may be passed for that purpose; Therefore,
Divisional time be-
tween second and
third disricts to
be changed
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That George W. Purnell, Zadock P. Henry, Edwin Forman,
Stephen Ennis, Thomas N. Williams, James Dirickson and
Sewell Turpin, of Worcester county, be and they are hereby
appointed commissioners to change the divisional line between
the second and third election districts in Worcester county, for
the purpose of enlarging the said third election district, by ad-
ding thereto a part of the said second election district
Commissioners to
meet to carry this
act into effect
2. And be it enacted, That in order to carry into effect the
provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, to meet together at some place
in the said second election district, on some day certain in the
month of April next, of which time and place notice shall be
given by the said commissioners, by advertisement set up at the
most public places in the said election districts, also by adver-
tisements inserted in the news-paper printed at Cambridge, in
Dorchester county, and in one of the news-papers printed at
Easton, in Talbot county, at least three weeks before the day
of said meeting.
When met to es-
tablish line
3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, when they shall have
met together according to the provisions of the second section
of this act, to run and establish such a divisional line between
the said election districts, as the interests and convenience of
the county, and of the Voters residing in the said second and
third election districts, may seem to them to require.
May cause line to
be run by survey-
4. And be it enacted, That in the running and establishing
of the said divisional line, the said commissioners, or a majori-
ty of them, be and they are hereby authorised, if they shall
consider it necessary, to cause the said line, or any part or parts
thereof, to be run by the surveyor of Worcester county; and it
is hereby made the duty of the said commissioners, or a majo-
rity of them, to plant such posts, stones, or other permanent