of said town, shall be recoverable before any justice of the
peace of said county.
5. And be it enacted. That the said commissioners, with
the agreement and consent of a majority of the voters of said
town, shall have the power, under the penalties to be fixed on
by them, to make and pass, from time to time, by-laws, or re-
gulations to prevent any filth, litter, or obstruction whatever,
from being thrown or left in the streets or alleys of said town,
by any person or persons whatever, or by their permission or
CHAP. 73,
By-laws to pre-
vent filth, &c. be-
ing left in the
6. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Worcester
couaty be and they are hereby authorised and required, to ap-
point annually some one person residing in the said town of
Snow-Hill, an overseer of the streets of said town, who shall
have the same powers and duties jn keeping in repair the streets
and alleys of the said town, by the labours of the persons re-
siding within the limits of the said town, as are now, or shall
hereafter be given to, and required of, the overseers of the pub-
lic roads in Worcester county, or as may be given to, or re-
quired by, any by-law made as aforesaid, for the government of
the said town.
Overseer of streets
—his powers
7. And be it enacted, That the persons residing within the
limits of the said town shall not be compelled to labour, or
contribute labour, to the repairing of any public road in Wor-
cester county, without the limits of the said town, any law to
the contrary notwithstanding.
Inhabitants not
compelled to la-
bour on public
A Further Supplement to the act, entitled, An Act for making1 certain
Roads in Baltimore and Harford Counties, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and fifteen, chapter forty-eight.
Passed Jan 17, 1827
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the time allowed for the making and finishing the turnpike
road, authorised by the act to which this is a supplement, be
and the same is hereby enlarged, and the further time of fifteen
years, from the period so limited, be and is hereby given and
allowed to the said company for the finishing the aforesaid
turnpike road.
Time extended for
finishing turnpike
An Act to establish the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace and Constables
residing in the City of Annapolis, and Justices of the Peace and Consta-
bles of Anne-Arundel County, in certain cases therein mentioned
Passee Jan 19, 182?
WHEREAS great inconvenience and injury have been experi-
enced by citizens of Anne-Arundel county, in consequence of
the liability of their persons to seizure under warrants and ex-
ecutions whilst within the limits of the city of Annapolis, for
the recovery of small debts previously contracted in said city;
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, no justice of the
peace or constable residing in the city of Annapolis, shall have
jurisdiction over the persons of citizens resident of Anne-Arun-
del county, whilst within the limits of said city, by issuing or
No justice or con-
stable in Annapo-
lis to have juris-
diction over resi-
dents in Anne
Arundel county