proofs, at such parts of the said line as may be necessary clear-
ly to define ana to perpetuate and establish the course of the
said line.
CHAP. 76.
5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, on the first day of the
next May term of Worcester county court, or on some day pre-
viously thereto, to make a return to the said court of their pro-
ceedings in running and establishing the said divisional line be-
tween the said election districts, which said return shall be un-
der their hands and seals; and if the said court shall confirm the
said return after the same shall have remained four whole days
in the said court, subject to such objections as may be made by
any one or more of the voters of the said second and third elec-
tion districts, then the said line, to be established by the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, shall immediately become
the divisional line between the said second and third election
To make return
to court of their
6. And be it enacted, That in case the return of the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, shall be confirmed by the
said court, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the said court to
publish the route of the divisional line established by the said
commissioners, or a majority of them,by advertisements set up at
the town of Snow-Hill, and at the villages of New-Ark, Poplar-
Town and Berlin, in the said county, on or before the first day
of July next.
If confirmed clerk
to publish the
route of the line
7. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Worcester
county be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to
allow to the said commissioners, and to the person or persons
employed by them, such sum or sums of money as they may
consider equivalent to their respective services, which sum or
sums shall be levied and paid over in the same manner as other
Compensation to
public charges are now collected and paid.
8, And be it enacted, That each of the said commissioners,
before he proceeds to discharge the duties prescribed by this
act, shall take the following oath, before some person qualified
to administer the same, to wit: "I, A B, do swear, that I will
faithfully and discreetly, to the best of my skill and judgment,
perform the trusts reposed in me by an act of the general as-
sembly of Maryland, entitled, An act to appoint commissioners
to change the divisional line between the second and third elec-
tion districts in Worcester county, in order that the said third
Oath prescribed
election district may be thereby enlarged; so help me God."
9. And be it enacted. That so soon as the return of the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, shall be made and con-
firmed, as by the provisions of this act are required, all and
every act or acts of assembly, and all or any part or parts
thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall im-
mediately cease to operate and shall expire.
When confirmed,
all parts of act
inconsistent here-
with repealed
An Act to change the Christian Name of Thomas Littleton Hobins, the In-
fant Son of James B. Robins, late of Worcester County, deceased.
Passed Jan. 1,1827
1. Be it enacted by the General Asembly of Maryland,
That Thomas Littleton, the Christian name of Thomas Littleton
Name changed