CHAP. 71,
required to be transcribed, and to require new indices, under
the provisions of the first section of this act, and such compen-
sation as the levy court aforesaid may see proper to allow for
his services and trouble in having the same rebound.
Levy authorised
5. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Somerset
county is hereby required to levy on the assessable property of
said county, from time to time, such sum or sums of money as
the said commissioners, or a majority of them, may ascertain to
be due to the said clerk for services rendered, or contracts or
purchases made in executing the duties required by this act,
together with the collector's commission, which sum or sums of
money shall be levied for the use of the said clerk, and be to
him paid when collected by the collector of Somerset county
for the time being, as a compensation for his trouble and ser-
vices, and also to levy for his use such sum or sums of money as
said levy court may deem proper to allow for his services and
trouble in having the said record books rebound.
Passed Jan., 27, 1827
An Act relating to the removal of Causes for trial to the third Judicial Dis-
No came removed
for trial to be tak-
en up until origi-
nal business is dis-
posed of
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That no cause, civil or criminal, removed, upon suggestion, to
the third judicial district, shall be taken up for trial, until all
the business originating in the county to which such cause may
be removed, ready for trial, and which shall require the inter-
vention of a jury, shall be tried, dismissed, continued, or other-
wise disposed of, for that term.
Passed Jan 8, 1827
An Act to revive and extend the provisions of an act, entitled, An act to
provide for the appointment of Commissioners for the Regulation and
Improvement of Snow-Hill, in Worcester County, and for other purposes.
Act revived
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act, entitled, An act to provide for the appointment of
commissioners for the regulation and improvement oi Snow-
Hill, in Worcester county, be and the same is hereby revived
and declared to be in full force, except such parts as are incon-
sistent with this act.
Election of com-
2. And be it enacted, That the first election of commis-
sioners for the said town shall be on some day before the last
day of May next, after five days public notice thereof shall
have been given by advertisement at the court-house door in
said town, signed by some justice of the peace of said county;
and the annual election thereafter shall be on some day to be
appointed by the commissioners.
To meet and di-
vide themselves
into classes
3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall meet as
soon after their election as convenient, and divide themselves
into classes as provided for by the original act aforesaid, and
may appoint and remove their bailiff and clerk, from time to
time, as they may see proper.
Fines, how to be
4. And be it enacted. That any fine which may be imposed
by any by-law or regulation passed by the said commissioners,
with the agreement and consent of the majority of the voters