CHAP. 41.
mill, and from thence with the original line to the place of be-
ginning, be and the same are hereby annexed to the Belle Air
district, in said county; and it shall and may be lawful for all vot-
ers residing within the lines of all that part of Hall's Cross
Roads district, as heretofore designated, and hereby annexed to
the Belle Air district, to vote at the place of holding the elec-
tion in said district.
Passed Jan 27,1827
An Act to ascertain and settle the Salaries of the Members of the Council;
for the present year.
Salaries ascer-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That each member of the council shall be entitled to receive for
the present year, the sum of five hundred dollars current money
for his salary.
Passed Jan 20,1827
An Act authorising the Register of Wills for Anne-Arundel County, to per-
fect the record of Joseph Chew's Will.
Record to be per-
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the register of wills of Anne-Arundel county, be and he
is hereby authorised to perfect the record of Joseph Chew's will
now in his office, and dated in the year one thousand seven hun-
dred and five, by adding to said record the names of the sub-
scribing witnesses to said original will.
To be valid in
2. And be it enacted, That when the said record is so per-
fected, it shall be good and valid for all purposes in law, as if
the same had been so done when the body of said will was re-
Passd Jan 29,1827
An Act for the relief of Elizabeth M. Brown, of Harford County,
WHEREAS Elizabeth M. Brown, of Harford county, hath,
by her petition to this general assembly, set forth, that for va-
rious causes certain articles of separation were entered into be-
tween her and her husband John C. Brown, on the twenty-
fourth day of September in the year eighteen hundred and twen-
ty-five, and praying that the said articles may be confirmed by
law, and rendered valid and binding; and the prayer of the pe-
titioner being reasonable, Therefore,
Article of sepa-
ration confirmed
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the articles of separation entered into by John C. Brown,
and Elizabeth M. Brown his wife, of Harford county, bearing
date on the twenty-fourth day of September eighteen hundred
and twenty-five, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirm-
ed, and rendered as valid and binding on the parties thereto, to
all intents and purposes, ss if the said parties had been capable
in law to enter into a valid contract at the time the said articles
were entered into.
If recorded with-
in six months to be
received as evi-
2. And be it enacted, That provided either of the parties
above named shall cause the said articles of separation to be re-
corded among the land records of Harford county within six
months from the passage of this act, then a copy of such record,
duly authenticated, shall be received and deemed evidence for