of incorporation that they may be the better enabled to carry
such their purposes into effect; and the general assembly of
Maryland being desirous of promoting such institutions, There-
CHAP. 40.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Samuel Harden, William Wilkins, Thomas E. Bond,
Philip Littigg, Andrew Adgate, Thomas Armstrong, Fielder
Israel, Christian Keener, James Brunclige, Alexander Russell,
William McKonkey, junior, Thomas Kelso, Robert Armstrong,
Jacob Rogers, George Earnest and John Berry, and others that
now are, or hereafter may become members of the corporation
herein erected, or may be admitted into the said corporation
agreeably to the constitution, rules and by-laws of the same,
and their successors, are hereby declared to be one community,
corporation and body politic, by the name, style and title, of
The Methodist Preachers' Aid Society of Baltimore, and by
that name they are hereby made able and capable in law to
have, hold, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain, to
them and their successors, lands, tenements, hereditaments,
rents, annuities or pensions, in fee simple or for a term of years,
life, lives or otherwise, and also goods, chattels and effects, of
what nature or description whatsoever, and the same again to
Society intorpo-
grant, demise, alien or dispose of; Provided that the clear
yearly value of the real and personal estate of said corporation
exceed not the sum of ten thousand dollars.
2. And be it enacted, That the said society, and their suc-
cessors, by the aforesaid name, shall be forever hereafter able and
capable in law to sue and to be sued, implead and be impleaded,
answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in any court
of law or equity in any place whatsoever, and also to make,
have and use, a common seal, and the same to break, alter, and
renew at pleasure, and also to assemble and meet at such time
and places as may be agreed upon, and to establish and put in
execution such by-laws and regulations as to them shall seem ne-
cessary and convenient for the government of such society or
corporation, the same not being contrary to the laws of the state,
or of the United States.
May sue and be
sued, &c
An Act to alter and chancre the location of part of Hall's Cross Roads, and
Belle Air Election Districts in Harford County.
Passed Jan 20, 1827
WHEREAS it hath been represented to this general assembly
that much inconvenience is experienced by the voters of the dis-
trict of Hall's Cross Roads, from the remoteness from the place
of holding the election in said district, and that a change in the
location of part of said district, would greatly promote their
con venience and the public good; the prayer of the petitioners
appearing reasonable and just, Therefore,
1. Be it enacted by tie General Assembly of Maryland,
That all that part of Hall's Cross Roads district, contained within
the following lines, viz. beginning at the point where the new
road from Rock Run Bridge intersects the original line, thence
running with the said new road to Quarry Run thence down said
run until it again intersects the original district line at Coxe's
Part of a district
annexed to Belle
Air district