A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to authorise the Governor and
Council of Maryland to appoint the Inspectors of Flour for this State.
CHAP. 17
Passed Jan 16, 1827
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in case of the sickness, absence, or disability from any
other cause, of the inspector of flour, appointed by the go-
vernor and council, for the city of Frederick, he shall be, and
is hereby authorised and empowered, to appoint a deputy in-
spector of flour, who shall be governed, in his inspections, by
the existing rules and regulations of said city on the subject of
the inspection of flour.
In case of sickness
&c of inspector of
flour for the any
of Frederick, he
may appoint a de-
A Supplement to an Act, entitled, An Act authorising the Commissioners to
lay out a Road in Montgomery and Anne Arundel Counties.
Passed Jan 16, 1827
Be it enacted by the, General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners, or a majority of them, appointed for
Montgomery county, by an act passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty-three, chapter forty-two, to lay
out and open the aforesaid road, be and they are hereby autho-
rised to lay out and open all that part of said road passing through
Montgomery county, or as much thereof as they in their judg-
ment may think the public interest requires, upon the terms
and conditions prescribed in the said original act.
Road may be held
out and opened
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to incorporate the Trustees of the
Male Free School of Baltimore.
Passed Jan 17, 1827
WHEREAS the trustees of the male free school of Baltimore,
by their petition to this general assembly, have represented,
that it would facilitate the busing of the institution if the
number of trustees required by the act was increased, and have
prayed that a law may be passed for that purpose; and this ge-
neral assembly being desirous to aid and promote the institu-
tion; Therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the trustees of the male free school of Baltimore, shall,
within three months after the passage of this act, elect by bal-
lot, six additional trustees, who shall possess the like requisites
and qualifications as are required for trustees to possess under
the act to which this is a supplement, and such trustees, when
so elected, shall have like powers and authority, privileges and
advantages, as belong or pertain to the present trustees, or any
of them.
Additional trus-
tees to be elected
2. And be it further enacted, That all vacancies created by
death, resignation, disability, or other cause, shall be filled in
the same manner as is provided in the original act to which this
is a supplement, so that the number of fifteen trustees shall be
kept up and continued forever; Provided always, that nothing
in this act contained shall affect the number of trustees now ne-
cessary to form a quorum for the transaction of business,
Vacancies how to
be supplied.
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