& Be it enacted. That the judges or justices of the levy
court in Dorchester county, be and they are hereby authorised
and required, to levy on the assessable property in Dorchester
county, whatever sum of money it may be found necessary to
carry the provisions of this act into full and effective operation
CHAP. 10.
Levy authorised
6. Be it enacted. That the act, entitled, "An act to exempt
the servants of the overseers of the county roads in Dorchester
County, " passed at December session, one thousand eight hun-
dred and twenty-three, chapter fifty-one, be repealed and suf-
fered to empire, after the first day of April one thousand eight
hundred and twenty-seven, together with all other laws or acts
Which are inconsistent With and repugnant to this act
Act repealed
An Act for the relief of Wilson Carey Selden Senior, and Wilson City
Selden, junior, citizens of Virginia.
Passed Jan 23, 1827
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That at any time from and after the passage of this act it shall
and may be lawful for Wilson Carey Selden, Senior and Wil-
son Carey Selden, junior, Or either of them, to import and
bring, or cause to be imported and brought, from the state of
Virginia, any slave or slaves to be by them employed in the cul-
tivation of their estates situated within the limits of this state,
and the same to remove to and from the state as often as their
convenience may require, without prejudice to the rights or
claims of the owner or owners of such slave or slaves any law
Empowered to re-
move slaves
to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided, that nothing herein
Contained shall be construed to authorise any sale or other dis-
position of the said negroes to be made within this state, except
by last will and testament, or by process of law.
An Act to repeal an act of assembly, entitled, An act requiring the Judges
of the Fourth Judicial District of this State to set apart certain days for
the transaction of Chancery Business in said Courts.
Passed Jan 13, 1827
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That an act (passed at December session eighteen hundred and
twenty-four, ) requiring the judges of the fourth judicial dis-
trict of this state to set apart certain days for the transaction of
chancery business in said courts, be and the same is hereby re-
Act repealed
2. And be it enacted, That all writs and other process from
the said courts, shall be. made returnable to, and all persons sum-
moned to attend the said courts, shall be summoned to appear on
the same days as were prescribed by any of the rules of the
said courts respectively, or of Any act or acts of assembly, as the
case may be, which were in force at the time of the passage of
the act of assembly which is hereby repealed
Relative to return
of writs, and sum-
moning juries
An Act to divorce Catherine Will, and her husband George Will, of Frede-
rick County,
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said Catherine Will be, and she is hereby divorced
Passed Jan 13, 1827
Divorce passed
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