CHAP. 9.
like or similar services; and the said commissioners shall indi-
vidually be entitled to receive a compensation not exceeding
two dollars for every day they shall be employed in the per-
formance of the services required by this act; and the said
court are further authorised and required to levy upon the as-
sessable property of said county, a sum of money sufficient to
carry into effect the provisions of this act, according to the true
intent and meaning thereof, which said sum of money shall be
collected and accounted for to the said levy court in the same
manner that the county charges of said county are.
Roads how to be
kept up and re-
9. And be it enacted, That the roads established in pursu-
ance of the provisions of this act, shall be kept up and repaired
as the public roads in said county now are, and that the super-
visors of the said roads shall be appointed in the manner now
practised in said county.
Levy court to car-
ry into effect pro-
Visions of this act.
10. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy court
of said county are hereby vested with full power and authority,
to carry into effect the provisions of this act, according to the
true intent and meaning thereof, in such manner as they shall
deem best for the interest of said county.
11. And be it enacted, That this act shall commence and
be in force from and after the passage thereof.
Passed Jan 19, 1827
An Art to repeal an act, entitled, An act to exempt the Servants of Overseers
of the County Roads in Dorchester County, from doing duty on said roads,
passed at December session one thousand eight hundred and twenty -three,
and for other purposes.
Servants of Over-
seers compelled to
work on public
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of April one thousand eight
hundred and twenty -seven, that the servants of the overseers of
the county roads in Dorchester county, be and they are hereby
compelled to serve and work on said county roads, in the same
manner as all other hands and servants are obliged and com-
pelled to work on said county roads.
Allowances to o-
2. Be it enacted, That from and after the commencement of
the operation of this act, the overseers of the county roads in
Dorchester county, be entitled to, and they are hereby autho-
rised to receive from the levy court in said county, the sum of
one dollar per day for each and every day they shall necessarily
work on said roads.
Not allowed for
extra work more
then 10 days in
each years
3. Be it enacted, That no overseer of the county roads in
Dorchester county, shall be allowed or entitled to receive any
pay or compensation for any extra work or services he may do
on said roads, over and above ten days in each year, and such
overseer shall be compelled to work eight hours in each day he
may call out the hands for the purpose of working on said
To render ac-
counts to levy
4. Be it enacted. That the overseers of the county roads in
Dorchester county, be compelled to render their accounts to the
justices of the levy court for said county, under an oath that
they have really worked the number of days stated in said ac-
count; and the number of hours in each day that is required by
this act.