Passed June 6, 1989.
Bill No. 4-89
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments, Section 6.2 of Article 1,
Chapter 6 of the Public Local Laws of Kent County, Maryland entitled Zoning
Ordinance for Kent County, Maryland and the sixty-two (62) sectional zoning district
maps with amendments thereto, pursuant to Section 4.01 of Article 66B of the
Annotated Code of Maryland.
Passed August 1, 1989.
Bill No. 5-89
AN ACT to add a new section, Article VII, to Chapter 6 of the Public Local Laws
of Kent County, Maryland, entitled "Land Use," to follow immediately after Article VI,
thereof, generally providing that a farm shall not become a private or public nuisance
due to any change of the surrounding area occurring after the farm has been in
operation for one (1) year provided the farm is not operated negligently and further
that the Ordinance does not apply to pollution of the waters of any streams or any
overflow on other lands and the ordinance is not retroactive.
Passed September 5, 1989.
Bill No. 6-89
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments, Sections 1.5, 2.2.4 and 2.3.4 of
Article V; Sections 3.11 e); 3.13 and 3.2 of Article VII; Section 8 of Article VIII and
Section 2.32 of Article X of the Kent County Zoning Ordinance, changing the rear yard
setback in Suburban Development to 50 feet; correcting titling errors; changing
effective dates of convalescent, group or homes for the aged and Day Nurseries or child
care centers in RCD from August 1, 1989 to December 1, 1985, stylistic changes in
existence of a non-conforming use and changing the definition of Camp, Day.
Passed December 5, 1989.
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